原汁原味精品英语听读Level 1·7年级(附光盘1张)包天仁 著作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐




  Unit 1 AnimalsDolphinsOur Little HelpersGiraffesMans Best FriendThe WaR CatfishTheArcticTetnCamelsMans oldest Friendfun timeUnit 2 PeoplePeleVincent Van GoghSusanBAnthonyElizabeth BlackwellAPoetGeorge Washington CarverPT BarnumHarriet Tubmanfun timeUnit 3 lacesMexcico CityHave Fun in GermanyGreat Vacation PlacesDisneylandEaster IslandNew、YorkMontrealWilliamsburgFun timeUnit 4 Culture&CustomsTrafficinGreatBritainNumber CultureWeddingCustomsCarnivalNewYearsEveValentineS DayCross-cultural Misunderstandingin the Business WorldCincodeMayoFun timeUnit 5 Heaitt FoodChop SueyPancakesMakingaBeanTacoLetS EatJunk FoodCaffeinePopcornGood Eating HabitUnit 6 LanguageAmerican Sign LanguageTheLanguageofBeesBeingaGood LanguageLearnerItIsImportanttoLearn a SecondLanguageBody LanguagesImprovingEnglishbyChattingTodaysEnglishA Changing LanguageFun timeUnit 7 SportsBasketballGOifSkateboarding and BungeeJumpingGliding over the SnowSoccerSumo WrestlingStreetLugcScubaDivingFun timeUnit 8 MusicMusicMusicHip-HopBluesJazzCountry-Western MusicFlutesRapGuitarsFun timeUnit 9 TechnologyRobotPetsPDAsThe Invention of the Motor3D Computer GamesThe FirSt ComputerSupcrcomputersCalling My Air ConditionerRocketFun timeUnit 10 StoriesWhyArc You Crying?Thrcc PresentsSometimes It Is MineANewKindofChickenTheBig,BigPictureTheHoleintheGroundSnow GirlADifficuHQuestionFun time


  There is another kind of living things that can make difficult journeys besides humans in the world.It is arctic tem.It is an extraordinary bird.Usually an arctic tern flies aboutmore than 35,ooo kilometersevery year——an around the world from the North Pole to the SouthPole and back again!Arctic terns can fly through all kinds ofweather.When they fly,they USe the sun and the stars to helpthemselves.They spend all of their lives in the air.Some arctic ternscan live thirty years,SO they can travel over one million kilometersall their lives.Maybe you don’t believe that the bird is only thirtyeight centimeters long and weighs about 300 grams。