

  本套教材共四册,是面向高中英语水平以上的学生而编写的强化阅读教程。本套书的词汇量起点为基础的3 000 个单词,通过计算机程序筛选,以英国国家语料库常用词汇列表的前11部分为基准,每册书增加2 000 个新词,四册书的词汇覆盖量达到11 000。每册各包含十个单元,每单元由Focus on、Text A和Text B三部分组成。本书帮助学生掌握第3 000~5 000 的两千词汇量;Focus on板块主要聚焦构词法,加深学生对构词法规律的认知。




  Unit 1 Nature and Tourism ....................................................................1 \n
Section I Focus on Compound Words ............................................................2 \n
Section II Text A: Chinese: Th e New Globe-travelers ....................................5 \n
Section III Text B: Great Barrier Reef ............................................................. 21 \n
Unit 2 Health and Science....................................................................33 \n
Section I Focus on Prefi x (I) .......................................................................... 34 \n
Section II Text A: How Diversity Makes Us Smarter................................... 36 \n
Section III Text B: Why So Many Young Doctors Work Such \n
Awful Hours .................................................................................... 50 \n
Unit 3 Media and Sports ......................................................................63 \n
Section I Focus on Prefi x (II) ........................................................................ 64 \n
Section II Text A: Chinese-style Origins Give Life to Domestic \n
Animation ....................................................................................... 66 \n
Section III Text B: Olympic Games: Paris and LA \n
“Only Want 2024 Games”.............................................................. 82 \n
Unit 4 Law and Morality ......................................................................97 \n
Section I Focus on Prefi x (III) ....................................................................... 98 \n
Section II Text A: Th e Historical Development of International \n
Human Rights ............................................................................... 101 \n
Section III Text B: “It’s Very Scary in the Forest”: Should Finland’s \n
Wolves Be Killed? ......................................................................... 114 \n
Unit 5 Philosophy and Psychology ....................................................127 \n
Section I Focus on Prefi x (IV)..................................................................... 128 \n
Section II Text A: What Is Psychology? ....................................................... 131 \n
Section III Text B: Th e Case for Shyness ...................................................... 145 \n
Unit 6 Linguistics and Literature ..........................................................159 \n
Section I Focus on Suffi x (I) ........................................................................ 160 \n
Section II Text A: Knowledge of Language as a Focus of Probe .............. 162 \n
Section III Text B: Th e Adventures of Tom Sawyer ..................................... 175 \n
Unit 7 Environment and Health ........................................................187 \n
Section I Focus on Suffi x (II) ...................................................................... 188 \n
Section II Text A: Breathless in Bakersfi eld: Is the Worst Air \n
Pollution in the U.S. About to Get Worse? ............................... 190 \n
Section III Text B: From Sea to Plate: How Plastic Got into Our Fish ..... 206 \n
Unit 8 Campus and Society ........................................................................219 \n
Section I Focus on Suffi x (III) ..................................................................... 220 \n
Section II Text A: Your Guide to Free Money: College Scholarships ...... 222 \n
Section III Text B: Rutger Bregman: “We Could Cut the \n
Working Week by a Th ird” .......................................................... 236 \n
Unit 9 Economy and Trade ................................................................249 \n
Section I Focus on Conversion (I) .............................................................. 250 \n
Section II Text A: Prospering Market Is a Problem, But a Nice One ...... 253 \n
Section III Text B: A Target Too Big to Nail ................................................. 265 \n
Unit 10 Education and Technology ...................................................277 \n
Section I Focus on Conversion (II) ............................................................ 278 \n
Section II Text A: Learners Behind Bars ..................................................... 280 \n
Section III Text B: How Technology Gets Us Hooked ................................ 292