英文原版绘本 Caterpillar to Butterfly 精装 创意折叠翻翻书 昆虫科普毛毛虫变蝴蝶 幼儿STEM读物 科学启蒙 小学百科知识读物-图书推荐

装 帧:精装

作 者:Frances Barry

开 本:24*24CM

页 数:32页

语 言:英语

IS BN:9780763642617

出版社:Candlewick Press

英文原版绘本 Caterpillar to Butterfly 精装 创意折叠翻翻书 昆虫科普毛毛虫变蝴蝶 幼儿STEM读物 科学启蒙 小学百科知识读物


How does a caterpillar become a butterfly? Open out the petal-shaped pages, one by one, and watch a transformation unfold.

First there’s a tiny egg on a leaf, then a caterpillar hatching, just big enough to see. Look at the caterpillar munching away, growing and shedding layers of skin so it can grow some more. Follow as it spins a thread into a green and golden chrysalis, hanging in the sun. Are you ready to see a glorious transformation when all the page turns are done? Cleverly leading readers through each stage of the caterpillar’s life cycle, Caterpillar to Butterfly is sure to set curiosity into flight.


Frances Barry studied Fine Art at Brighton Polytechnic and Royal Academy Schools. She is a freelance author, illustrator and designer.

As a freelancer she has worked for Tate Enterprises, Walker Books, Stonewood Press, Royal Maritime Greenwich, Turner Contemporary, V&A Museum of Childhood, Little Angel Theatre, Blang Records, Charleston Trust and House of Fairy Tales.


英文原版绘本 Caterpillar to Butterfly 精装 创意折叠翻翻书 昆虫科普毛毛虫变蝴蝶 幼儿STEM读物 科学启蒙 小学百科知识读物


英文原版绘本 Caterpillar to Butterfly 精装 创意折叠翻翻书 昆虫科普毛毛虫变蝴蝶 幼儿STEM读物 科学启蒙 小学百科知识读物英文原版绘本 Caterpillar to Butterfly 精装 创意折叠翻翻书 昆虫科普毛毛虫变蝴蝶 幼儿STEM读物 科学启蒙 小学百科知识读物

卖贝商城 推荐:英文原版绘本 Caterpillar to Butterfly 精装 创意折叠翻翻书 昆虫科普毛毛虫变蝴蝶 幼儿STEM读物 科学启蒙 小学百科知识读物