英文原版绘本 I Love Guinea Pigs 小学STEM科普自然百科读物 儿童自然故事书 彩图 Walker Nature Story-图书推荐

装 帧:平装

作 者:Nicola Davies

绘 者:John Lawrence

开 本:23*25CM

页 数:32页

语 言:英语

IS BN:9780744562781


英文原版绘本 I Love Guinea Pigs 小学STEM科普自然百科读物 儿童自然故事书 彩图 Walker Nature Story




3、Academic 单词反复出现,让孩子在重复、熟悉中积累

Relaunch of an award-winning non-fiction series. Read and Wonder is an innovative and highly acclaimed series of non-fiction picture books about the real world. They"re written from a very personal viewpoint, mixing facts with feelings, encouraging children to think, feel and imagine as they learn. These six titles include the talents of celebrated authors and illustrators such as Dick King-Smith. Barbara Firth. Anita Jeram and Karen Wallace.


英文原版绘本 I Love Guinea Pigs 小学STEM科普自然百科读物 儿童自然故事书 彩图 Walker Nature Story

英文原版绘本 I Love Guinea Pigs 小学STEM科普自然百科读物 儿童自然故事书 彩图 Walker Nature Story

英文原版绘本 I Love Guinea Pigs 小学STEM科普自然百科读物 儿童自然故事书 彩图 Walker Nature Story

卖贝商城 推荐:英文原版绘本 I Love Guinea Pigs 小学STEM科普自然百科读物 儿童自然故事书 彩图 Walker Nature Story