快乐学校立体游戏书 情景式绘本 Schoolies School House 英文版 创意手工 硬页纸板书 英文版进口原版儿童英语操作书 英文原版-图书推荐

快乐学校立体游戏书 情景式绘本 Schoolies School House 英文版 创意手工 硬页纸板书 英文版进口原版儿童英语操作书 英文原版书名:Schoolies: School House快乐学校立体游戏书

作者:Ellen Crimi-Trent
出版社名称:Priddy Books
商品尺寸:24.5 x 26.9 x 2.8 cm

快乐学校立体游戏书 情景式绘本 Schoolies School House 英文版 创意手工 硬页纸板书 英文版进口原版儿童英语操作书 英文原版
Schoolies: School House《快乐学校立体游戏书》除了是一本立体书,也涵盖了操作书、贴纸书的功能!可运用书中附赠的人物纸偶、贴纸等附件进行游戏全书展开可组成四个大隔间, 教学教室、餐厅、画画教室、校外场景,外加一张贴纸和一个信封。




What will the Schoolies be doing today? Will they be in the canteen? Or having a fun lesson with Mrs Meow the teacher? This book lets children decide for themselves, as they unfold the pages and create four school house scenes. There are Schoolies characters and accessories to press out and play with, plus stickers to personalize each scene, as well as simple story beats which help to direct children"s play. The book folds up neatly when the school day is over, so it can be put away ready for another fun day with the Schoolies.

快乐学校立体游戏书 情景式绘本 Schoolies School House 英文版 创意手工 硬页纸板书 英文版进口原版儿童英语操作书 英文原版艾伦·克里米-特伦特的高装饰性设计已经出现在许多成功的系列上,从纺织品到陶瓷和装饰品。在她的艺术生涯中,艾伦的众多梦想之一就是为儿童书籍撰写插图,如今这个梦想随着《学校丛书》的出版而得以实现。


Ellen Crimi-Trent"s highly decorative designs have appeared on many successful lines, from textiles to ceramics and ornaments. One of Ellen"s many dreams throughout her artistic career has been to write and illustrate children"s books - an ambition which is now realized with the publication of the Schoolies series. Ellen lives in Massachusetts with her husband and two children.

Roger Priddy"s passion for educating children through fun, informative and engaging books has led him to create some of publishing"s most enduring and successful nonfiction early learning books. Roger lives in London and has three children, who have been the inspiration behind many of his best publishing ideas.

快乐学校立体游戏书 情景式绘本 Schoolies School House 英文版 创意手工 硬页纸板书 英文版进口原版儿童英语操作书 英文原版

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