英文原版绘本 漫威复仇者联盟 Thor Double Feature Marvel 雷神 2个故事合辑有声读物 附CD-图书推荐

装 帧:平装

作 者:Marvel Press Book Group

开 本:20.3 x 20.3CM

页 数:64页

语 言:英语

IS BN:9781368008617


英文原版绘本 漫威复仇者联盟 Thor Double Feature Marvel 雷神 2个故事合辑有声读物 附CD


In our first story, Thor will soon inherit the throne of Asgard from his aging father. However, on the day that he is to be crowned, Thor reacts with brutality when the gods" enemies, the Frost Giants, enter the palace in violation of their treaty. As punishment, Odin banishes Thor to Earth. While Loki, Thor"s brother, plots mischief in Asgard,Thor, now stripped of his powers, faces his greatest threat. Then just flip the book over and pe into the ancient world where the gods of Asgard fought and won a war against an evil race known as the Dark Elves. Hundreds of years later, Jane Foster finds the Aether and becomes its host, forcing Thor to bring her to Asgard before Dark Elf Malekith captures her and uses the weapon to destroy the Nine Realms -- including Earth! This double feature storybook includes 64-pages of action-packed sound effects, word-for-word narration, and original movie voices!


漫威娱乐有限公司(Marvel Entertainment, LLC)是一家美国娱乐公司,拥有蜘蛛侠、钢铁侠、浩克及X战警等作品的制作权。其旗下的漫画出版公司——漫威出版公司(Marvel Publishing, Inc.),成立于1939年,至今已有七十多年的历史。如今的漫威出版公司已成为占有多市场份额的美国的漫画出版公司。编剧: 基隆?吉伦,英国漫画作家。在从事漫画创作之前,曾是电脑游戏和音乐撰稿人,并于2000年,成为了史上首位获得英国期刊出版者协会所颁发的“年度特别消费品撰稿人”的电脑游戏撰稿人。

Thor:The Dark World

英文原版绘本 漫威复仇者联盟 Thor Double Feature Marvel 雷神 2个故事合辑有声读物 附CD

内页图:英文原版绘本 漫威复仇者联盟 Thor Double Feature Marvel 雷神 2个故事合辑有声读物 附CD

英文原版绘本 漫威复仇者联盟 Thor Double Feature Marvel 雷神 2个故事合辑有声读物 附CD

卖贝商城 推荐:英文原版绘本 漫威复仇者联盟 Thor Double Feature Marvel 雷神 2个故事合辑有声读物 附CD