
本社编著的《THE OFFICIAL CAMBRIDGE GUIDE TO IELTS》所包含的8套雅思全真试题由 雅思考官编写,是各类雅思考生备考过程中必不可少的参考书。内含DVD-ROM一张,包含雅思听力及口语测试部分,并给出考官评分标准,方便考生体验真实考试情境。本书由以下内容构成:8套完整的学术类雅思全真试题;2套培训类雅思阅读与写作全真试题;各种题型的全面介绍以及剑桥大学考试委员会采用的评分系统解析。


《THE OFFICIAL CAMBRIDGE GUIDE TO IELTS》由本社编著。《THE OFFICIAL CAMBRIDGE GUIDE TO IELTS》简介:Cambridge English bring you this definitive guide, from our team of highly respected and experienced writers. It is packed with the solid advice you need to achieve your desired band at IELTS. Practical and easy to use, it focusses on the language and skills you need to perform with confidence. Your IELTS journey couldn“t have a better guide.What is in this guide?Separate sections focussing on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking8 official practice tests from Cambridge EnglishDVD-ROM with MP3 listening files and speaking test videosHow does this guide help me?Understand the features and format of the examLearn what you need to know to improve your scoreImprove language and test skills at your own paceIdentify where you need extra practice and what practice you need to doDevelop writing strategies by comparing model answersWork skill by skill with exam-type items at all timesPractise the exam with 8 complete testsTake the exam with added confidence knowing you are well preparedWhat is IELTS?The world“s leading English language test for higher education and global migration, accepted by over 8000 organisations worldwide with more than 2 million tests taken each yearTwo possible versions: Academic and General - prepare for either with this guideTests across four skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening - with results reflecting your real life use of English Uses a unique 9-band scale providing the leading exam score which accurately pinpoints your level of English


IELTS Summary
IELTS Listening skills
1 Getting ready to listen
1 Understanding the context
2 Using the correct spelling
3 Writing numbers
2 Following a conversation
1 Identifying the speakers
2 Identifying function
3 Understanding categories
3 Recognisingaraphrase
1 Identifying distractors
2 Recognisingaraphrase
3 Selecting from a list
4 laces and directions
1 Describing alace
2 Following directions
3 Labelling a map
5 Listening for actions androcesses
1 Understanding mechanicalarts
2 Describing an action orrocess
3 Describing arocess
6 Attitude and opinion
1 Identifying attitudes and opinions
2 ersuading and suggesting
3 Reaching a decision
7 Following a lecture or talk
1 Identifying main ideas
2 Understanding how ideas are connected
3 Understanding an explanation
8 Contrasting ideas
1 Signposting words
2 Comparing and contrasting ideas
3 Using notes to follow a talk
I ELTS Reading skills
1 Reading strategies
1 Using the features of a Reading passage
2 Skimming aassage and speed reading
3 Global understanding
2 Descriptiveassages
1 Scanning for detail
2 Using words from theassage
3 Notes/flow-chart/diagram completion
3 Understanding the main ideas
1 Identifying the main idea
2 Understanding the mainoints
3 Identifying information in aassage
4 Locating and matching information
1 Identifying types of information
2 Locating and matching information
3 How ideas are connected
5 Discursiveassages
1 Discursiveassages
2 Identifying theories and opinions
3 Matching features
6 Multiple-choice questions
1 Understanding longerieces of text
2 Different types of multiple choice
3 Identifying a writer‘surpose
7 Opinions and attitudes
1 Argumentative texts
2 Identifying the writer’s views/claims
3 Identifying grammatical features
8 General Training Reading
1 The General Training Readingaper
2 Dealing with multiple texts
3 Understanding work-related texts IELTS Writing
1 Academic Writing Task 1-Describing a chart,table or graph
1 Understanding graphs,tables and charts
2 More complex charts
3 Improving your Task Achievement score
2 Academic Writing Task 1-Comparing and contrasting graphs and tables
1 Avoiding repetition
2 Comparing and contrasting data
3 Grammatical Accuracy - describing numbers and figures accurately
3 Academic Writing Task 1-Describing diagrams
1 Understanding a diagram
2 Describing arocess -coherenceand cohesion
3 Lexical Resource-being accurate
4 Academic Writing Task 1-Describing maps
1 Describing a map
2 Describing changes in alace
3 Grammatical Accuracy
5 General Training Writing Task 1-A letter
1 Understanding the task
2 Improving your score
3 Checking and correcting
6 Writing Task 2 - Getting ready to write
1 Understanding the task
2 lanning and organising your ideas
3 Getting started - writing an introduction
7 Writing Task 2 - Expressing your ideas clearly
1 Linking ideas - cohesion
2 Lexical Resource - avoiding repetition
3 Expressing aersonal view
8 Writing Task 2 - Checking and correcting
1 Developing your ideas clearly
2 Grammatical Accuracy
3 Assessing your language
IELTS Speaking
1 The Speaking Test -art 1
1 Getting ready to speak
2 art 1 - talking about familiar topics
3 Using the right tense - Grammatical Range and Accuracy
2 art 2 - Giving a talk
1 Understanding the task
2 Improving Fluency and Coherence
3 Organising your notes and your talk
3 art 3-Talking about abstract topics
1 Talking about abstract topics
2 Agreeing and disagreeing
3 Improving your Lexical Resource score
4 Checking, correcting and assessing
1 Dealing withroblems
2ronunciation, intonation and ‘chunking’
3 Assessing yourself and improving
your score
Practice Tests
Practice Test 1
Practice Test 2
Practice Test 3
Practice Test 4
Practice Test 5
Practice Test 6
Practice Test 7
General Training Test
Practice Test 8
General Training Test
Recording Scripts
Answer Key
Sample Answer Sheets