新英语阅读突破王璟 等 著作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐
第五篇 Sharing the Yangtze with the North Half the people of China live north of the YangtzeRiver. They can only use 20 per cent of the countrys wa-ter. Some people there do not have enough clean waterfor a healthy life. The Ministry of Water Resources(水利部) says eachperson in Tianjin has tess than one-third of the water eachperson in Guangzhou has. The Yangtze River has lots of water. Why don wesend some of it north? Thats a great idea. Chairman Mao Zedong thought ofit 50 years ago, "Chinas north needs water, and the southhas a lot," he said in 1952. "The north should borrowsome water from the south. " Soon, his idea will come true. By 2010, people inBeijing and Tianjin may be drinking Yangtze water! TheSouth-North Water Diversion Project(南水北调工程) be-gan at the end of 2002. It will carry water from the Yan-gtze almost halfway up China to the north. The water will follow three different ways from southto north. They will put Yangtze water into the Huaihe,Haihe and Yellow River in the north. Each of the threeways will be about 1,300 kilometres long. ……