黄冈金牌之路·练闯考(上)胡明享 编作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐


  为了适应素质教育的需要,帮助学生对课堂教学内容适时有效复习,对知识进行系统的综合整理,提高教学质量。我们特组织武汉、黄冈等地一线特级高级教师根据《义务教育课程标准实验教科书》编写了这套九年义务教育《黄冈金牌之路练闯考》丛书。  透过该书你将感受到最新的教学理念和浓浓的改革创新气息。  创新体例。实用好用  如何做少量的题来提高学生的创新应用能力和应试能力,一直是我们研究的课题。为此我们对该丛书选题及体例做了具体要求:用有代表性的题增加知识的覆盖面.用典型性题突出重点、难点;在体例上严格与教学同步。按课(课时)分块编写。通过体例与题型的完美结合达到快速提升学生创新应用能力和应试能力的目的。  梯度训练,高效递进  《黄冈金牌之路练闯考:英语(7年级上)(配人教)》每课(课时)都设有基础知识训练、创新能力应用、三新精英园三个板块。“基础知识训练”注重夯实基础、体现知识的层面:“创新能力应用”侧重问题的深化和知识的综合应用:“三新精英园”则在思维创新层面上提供综合性、探索性、开放性的题目,选题以中考题为主,从而让学生在平时练习中就能见识中考新题型。三个板块难度为梯度递进.对不同层次的学生都能适应,真正能达到练闯。考的最终目的。  亲爱的读者:“改革创新”是我们的主旨:“你的成功”是我们的心愿;“没有最好只有更好”是我们的追求。希望《黄冈金牌之路练闯考》能对你将来的中考助一臂之力。因时间仓促,疏漏之处还望广大读者批评指正。


  Starter Unit 1 Goad roaming[Section A and BStarter Unit 2 Whats this in English?Section A and BStarter Unit 3 What color is it?Section A and BUnit 1 My names Gin.Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 2 Is this your pencil?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 3 This is my sister.Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 4 Wheres my backpack?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 5 Do yon have a soccer bail?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 6 Do you like bananas?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 7 How much are these pants?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 8 When is your birthday?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 10 Can you play the guitar?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 11 What time do you go to school?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 12 My favorite subject is science.Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 7 How much are these pants?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 8 When is your birthday?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 10 Can you play the guitar?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 11 What time do you go to school?Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 12 My favorite subject is science.Section ASection BSelf CheckUnit 1单元检测题Unit 2单元检测题Unit 3单元检测题Unit 4单元检测题Unit 5单元检测题Unit 6单元检测题Unit 7单元检测题Unit 8单元检测题Unit 9单元检测题Unit 10单元检测题Unit 11单元检测题Unit 12单元检测题期末检测题听力材料及参考答案


  Do you eat healthy food every day? Itsgood for your health. What do you need? Well,you need apples, oranges and bananas. Do youneed ice cream? No,you dont. Its not good foryour health. , You need salad and broccoli, butyou dont need hamburgers.  What? you eat hamburgers every day?Oh,no,no! You can have one every five or sixdays but not every day. Er,let me see ... Oh,vegetables! You cant be very healthy without vegetables.  Make a list of food you eat every day. Arethey good? Do you eat healthy food every day?