新课标初中英语阅读必备薄冰 编作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐


  《新课标初中英语阅读必备:初2》将趣味性、知识性和实用性紧密结合在一起,图文并茂,有着鲜明的时代感。书中广泛地选取了各种文体,多角度,多方位地为学生提供了生动有趣的阅读素材,适合于使用各种版本英语教材的初中学生。这些材料既可供班级集体进行英语阅读训练,也可供学生根据自己的时间安排来自读自测。  《新课标初中英语阅读必备:初2》设有“主题导读”“任务阅读”“词汇积累”和“答案解析”几个栏目,目的在于通过这几个栏目,有效地提高学生阅读理解能力,为今后进一步学好英语这门功课打下坚实的基础。






  Mr.Hill arrives at London Airport,at the end of a three week holiday in France.Usually he ears a beard(留胡须). Since it has been hot there,he has taken it off(剃掉).But his passport photo shows him with his beard.  An officer looks at the photo for a moment,and says:“Will you excuse me? Please sit down.I shan’t keep you long.”With this,he walks away, shows the photo to a second officer,and says:“I know that face.”The second officer looks at the passport and asks where Mr.Hill has come from.When he hears that Mr. Hill has arrived back from Paris,the second officer smiles and says:“An Englishman with a beard stole a painting in Paris on Friday.And that man looks just the kind of man…  Suddenly it comes to the first officer who Mr.Hill is.He returns to him,and asks: “Did you teach at the No.2 High School?”When Mr.Hill answers,in surprise,that he did,the first officer smiles and says:“I thought so.I’m Jack Smith.You taught me French.You haven’t changed a bit.’’