津津有味 读经典 爱丽丝漫游奇境(英)卡罗尔 著,(澳)麦瑟尔德 等改g作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐






CHAPTER 1 Down the Rabbit Hole 
CHAPTER 2 The Pool of Tears 
CHAPTER 3 A Race and a Long Story 
CHAPTER 4 The Rabbit Sends Alice on an Errand 
CHAPTER 5 The Caterpillar Gives Alice Some Advice 
CHAPTER 6 Pig and Pepper 
CHAPTER 7 The Tea Party 
CHAPTER 8 The Queens Croquet Garden 
CHAPTER 9 Who Stole the Tarts?
CHAPTER 10 The Trial 
New Words


  版权页: 插图: "Oh, I shall never get out of here," she thought. And she began to cry again. She cried and cried until she was lying in a pool of tears. "If I don stop crying," she thought, "I shall drown in my own tears. They are already over my legs." Then she heard the sound of footsteps. She looked up. The White Rabbit was hurrying toward her. "Oh, the Duchess will be so angry," he was saying. "I shall be late, and she hates to be kept waiting." Alice, who needed help, said, "Excuse me, sir, but can you... ?" But she never finished the sentence. The White Rabbit ran off as fast as his legs could carry him. "Well!" Alice thought. "This is a very strange place. Everything seems to be different. Am I different from what I was when I woke up this morning? Im larger, but am I the same? Am I even the same person? Im not my sister. Her baits longer than mine. Do I know all the things I used to know? Let me think. Four times five is twelve, and four times six is thirteen, and four times seven is... oh, no, thats all wrong. What about Geography? London is the capital of Paris, and Paris is the capital of Rome, and Rome is... no, no, no! Thats all wrong. I must be someone different. Maybe Im Mabel. She never knows anything. Oh, I hope not. She lives in a very small house and doesn have any toys to play with. Oh, what can I do?" And Alice started crying again. Then she looked at her hands. She was surprised to see that she was wearing the White Rabbits gloves. "How can I be wearing his gloves?" she thought. "Hes much smaller than I am. Oh! I must be getting smaller again." And she was. She stood up and walked to the table. It was now taller than she was. "Why am I shrinking?" she asked herself. "Oh, it must be because of this fan Im holding." She did not know where the fan came from or why she was holding it, so she dropped it. She stopped shrinking just before she disappeared completely. But now, she was so small that she was almost drowning in her own tears. She was soon up to her chin in salt water. "Oh, I was so silly to cry so much," she thought. As she was swimming around, she looked for a way out of the pool.

