英文原版 Hush Little Baby 纸板书 晚安故事 西尔维娅绘本 睡觉吧宝贝 Sylvia Long 亲子早教绘本 Chronicle出品-图书推荐
装 帧:纸板书
作 者:Sylvia Long
绘 者:Sylvia Long
开 本:13*13CM
页 数:26页
语 言:英语
IS BN:9780811822909
A new version of the classic lullaby HUSH LITTLE BABY in which mamma bunnylulls her babies to sleep with the help of a host of bedtime wonders, such asa hummingbird in flight, the magic of a harvest moon, and the reassuring hugof a parent. Illustrated in full colour.
卖贝商城 推荐:英文原版 Hush Little Baby 纸板书 晚安故事 西尔维娅绘本 睡觉吧宝贝 Sylvia Long 亲子早教绘本 Chronicle出品