52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版-图书推荐

装 帧:盒装(52本平装)
作 者:various
开 本:21*15*20.3CM
页 数:约31页/册
语 言:英文
IS BN:9781526302809
出版社:Hachette Childrens

52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物,全套52册,按照年龄我们分成了9个等级,其中1-3级别适合4-5岁的孩子,4-6级适合5-6岁的孩子,6-9级适合6-7岁的孩子




52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

52册封面图:52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

01: Fun at the Beach: Splash!
02: Fun at the Beach: Go, go, go!
03: Fun at the Beach: Dad"s Net
04: Fun at the Beach: Sand!
05: Let"s Go on Holiday!: Off We Go!
06: Let"s Go on Holiday!: Not Like That!
07: Let"s Go on Holiday!: No More Singing
08: Let"s Go on Holiday!: Come on Dad!
09: Pip"s Pets: Bad Dog, Digby!
10: Pip"s Pets: Cat Nap
11: Pip"s Pets: A New Pet
12: Pip"s Pets: Where Is Sid?
13: Me and My Family: Me and My Cousin
14: Me and My Family: Me and My Dad
15: Me and My Family: Me and My Mum
16: Me and My Family: Me and My Nan
17: Carlo"s Circus: Bippo and Boppo
18: Carlo"s Circus: Joey the Juggler
19: Carlo"s Circus: Lola Fanola
20: Carlo"s Circus: Princess Rani
21: Awful Archie: Archie at the Museum
22: Awful Archie: Archie & the Babysitter
23: Awful Archie: Archie and Frisbee
24: Awful Archie: Archie and Terrible Trevor
25: Detective Dog: The Lost Kittens
26: Detective Dog: The Stolen Egg
27: Detective Dog: Footprints in the Snow
28: Detective Dog: Treasure Trail
29: Down In The Jungle: Flora"s Big Noise
30: Down In The Jungle: Lulu"s Song
31: Down In The Jungle: Monty"s Surprise
32: Down In The Jungle: Spots in a Bad Mood
33: Sea Force Four: The Ghost Fish
34: Sea Force Four: The Big White Box
35: Sea Force Four: The Wheelie Thing
36: Sea Force Four: The Steel Whale
37: Superfrog: Crocodile!
38: Superfrog: The Dragonfly Kite
39: Superfrog: The Flying Elephant
40: Superfrog: The Groaning Ghost
41: Creepy Castle: The Perfect Pet
42: Creepy Castle: Naggy Aunt Aggie
43: Creepy Castle: The Ghost Train
44: Creepy Castle: The Unwanted Visitor
45: Fairytale Jumbles: Goldilocks and the Wolf
46: Fairytale Jumbles: Snow White and The Enormous Turnip
47: Fairytale Jumbles: Cinderella and the Beanstalk
48: Fairytale Jumbles: Rapunzel & the Billy Goats
49: The Poor Pirates: Pirate Underpants!
50: The Poor Pirates: Bangers and Cash
51: The Poor Pirates: The Pirate Code
52: The Poor Pirates: Fish Fingers and Leaks

内页图:52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版

卖贝商城 推荐:52册 Hachette Start Reading 儿童启蒙分级读物 幼儿绘本礼盒装 4-7岁英语阅读提高 Collection 52 Bookset 英文原版