英文原版绘本 Big Blue Whale 小学STEM百科科普图画书 Walker Nature Story-图书推荐
装 帧:盒装
作 者:Nick Dowson
绘 者:Nick Dowson
开 本:25.4 x 23.2CM
页 数:约32页
语 言:英语
IS BN:9780744578966
3、Academic 单词反复出现,让孩子在重复、熟悉中积累
Find out about the largest mammal on the planet in this fun, informative, award-winning picture book, part of the Nature Storybooks series. The blue whale is the biggest animal that has ever lived on Earth. Curious young minds will love reading this sensuous exploration of what a blue whale feels, sounds and smells like, and learning facts about a whale"s size, life-span, diet, babies and more.
卖贝商城 推荐:英文原版绘本 Big Blue Whale 小学STEM百科科普图画书 Walker Nature Story