现货 2020新版 14册大全套 欧美经典儿歌 欢唱童谣 英文原版 Sing Along With Me The Wheels on the Bus 纸板机关操作书 亲子互动-图书推荐

装 帧:纸板操作书

绘 者:Yu-hsuan Huang

开 本:18X18CM

页 数:约10页/册(含扉页)

语 言:英语

出版社:Nosy Crow

现货 2020新版 14册大全套 欧美经典儿歌 欢唱童谣 英文原版 Sing Along With Me The Wheels on the Bus 纸板机关操作书 亲子互动


Nosy Crow出版的Sing Along with Me系列,只要扫描书中的QR Code,即可在线聆听优美乐器演奏搭配人声演唱的歌曲,每页并设有推拉或拨转机关,让孩子边听边唱、边玩边学。温暖可爱的插画,出自台湾绘本创作家黄郁轩(Smallx2、小小)之手。这一系列明亮的滑板书,以常年流行的童谣为特色,充满活力和欢乐的插图。每本书都有五个滑动装置,以及一个乐器和声音版本的童谣——只需扫描第一页的二维码,就可以让小朋友一起听和唱了!

现货 2020新版 14册大全套 欧美经典儿歌 欢唱童谣 英文原版 Sing Along With Me The Wheels on the Bus 纸板机关操作书 亲子互动


01:Sing Along With Me! Old Maonald had a Farm

02:Sing Along With Me! Row, Row, Row Your Boat

03:Sing Along With Me! The Wheels on the Bus

04:Sing Along With Me! Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

05:Sing Along With Me! If You"re Happy and You Know It

06:Sing Along With Me! Hey Diddle Diddle

07:Sing Along With Me! Happy Birthday

08:Sing Along With Me! Five Little Ducks

09:Sing Along With Me! Sleeping Bunnies

10:Sing Along With Me! This is the Way We Go to School

11:Sing Along With Me! Hickory Dickory Dock

12:Sing Along With Me! A Sailor Went to Sea

13:Sing Along With Me! Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

14:Sing Along with Me! Incy Wincy Spider


现货 2020新版 14册大全套 欧美经典儿歌 欢唱童谣 英文原版 Sing Along With Me The Wheels on the Bus 纸板机关操作书 亲子互动现货 2020新版 14册大全套 欧美经典儿歌 欢唱童谣 英文原版 Sing Along With Me The Wheels on the Bus 纸板机关操作书 亲子互动现货 2020新版 14册大全套 欧美经典儿歌 欢唱童谣 英文原版 Sing Along With Me The Wheels on the Bus 纸板机关操作书 亲子互动现货 2020新版 14册大全套 欧美经典儿歌 欢唱童谣 英文原版 Sing Along With Me The Wheels on the Bus 纸板机关操作书 亲子互动现货 2020新版 14册大全套 欧美经典儿歌 欢唱童谣 英文原版 Sing Along With Me The Wheels on the Bus 纸板机关操作书 亲子互动现货 2020新版 14册大全套 欧美经典儿歌 欢唱童谣 英文原版 Sing Along With Me The Wheels on the Bus 纸板机关操作书 亲子互动现货 2020新版 14册大全套 欧美经典儿歌 欢唱童谣 英文原版 Sing Along With Me The Wheels on the Bus 纸板机关操作书 亲子互动现货 2020新版 14册大全套 欧美经典儿歌 欢唱童谣 英文原版 Sing Along With Me The Wheels on the Bus 纸板机关操作书 亲子互动

卖贝商城 推荐:现货 2020新版 14册大全套 欧美经典儿歌 欢唱童谣 英文原版 Sing Along With Me The Wheels on the Bus 纸板机关操作书 亲子互动