一只仓鼠的时间旅行 Time Travelling with a Hamster 英文原版童书 跨越时间和世代的旅程-图书推荐

书名:Time Travelling with a Hamster与一只仓鼠的时间旅行
作者:Ross Welford
出版社名称:HarperCollins Children’s Books
商品尺寸:12.9 x 2.5 x 19.8 cm
页数:400 (以实物为准)

在Al Chaudhury的12岁生日当天,祖父Byron给了他一封来自Al已故父亲的信,要求Al乘坐秘密时光机回到1984年,拯救他父亲的生命。于是,Al带着他的小仓鼠,开启了一段考验勇气、毅力、抉择的旅程,在冒险中体会到感动和温暖。让我们在Time Travelling with a Hamster《与一只仓鼠的时间旅行》中,与Al和小仓鼠共同体验一场有趣的冒险之旅吧!

For readers who loved Wonder and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time this extraordinary debut will make you laugh and cry.
A story that crosses time and generations, for adventure-loving readers young and old.
“My dad died twice. Once when he was thirty nine and again four years later when he was twelve.”
On Al Chaudhury’s twelfth birthday his beloved Grandpa Byron gives him a letter from Al’s late father. In it Al receives a mission: travel back to 1984 in a secret time machine and save his father’s life.
Al soon discovers that time travel requires daring and imagination. It also requires lies, theft, setting his school on fire and ignoring philosophical advice from Grandpa Byron. All without losing his pet hamster, Alan Shearer…
Time Travelling With a Hamster is a funny, heart-warming race-against-time – and across generations – adventure that you will won’t be able to put down.

Review‘The gripping suspense truly makes time fly… the book’s heart and humour are hard to resist.’ --Piers Torday, author of The Last Wild
‘Extremely clever and totally engaging. ’ --The Irish Times

“Intelligent, well crafted and impressive. ’ --Nicolette Jones, The Sunday Times
‘Touching, silly and exciting by turns, this thrilling little book is an inventive take on time travel for children. Sure to be a hit with fans of R.J. Palacio"s Wonder… an unforgettable, madcap story from a bright new talent in Children’s fiction.’ --Waterstones

‘A touching tale of family, grief and love. ’ --Daily Express

‘With intriguing twists from start to finish, this story is a real roller coaster of emotions. It warmed my heart and filled my head with wonder! A fast, funny and really satisfying read that sparks your imagination.’ --Joseph, 10
Ross Welfordwas a journalist and television producer before becoming a full-time writer. He lives in London with his wife, children, a border collie and several tropical fish. This is his first novel.
Just across the road from the house where we used to live before Dad died (the first time) is an alleyway that leads to the next street with a patch of grass with some bushes and straggly trees growing on it. I called it ‘the jungle’ when I was little, because in my mind that was what it was like, but looking at it now I can see that it’s just a plot of land for a house that hasn’t been built yet.
And that’s where I am, still in my full-face motorbike helmet, sitting hidden in a bush in the dead of night, waiting to break into my old house.
There’s an old fried-chicken box that someone’s thrown there and I can smell something foul and sour, which I think might be fox’s poo. The house is dark; there are no lights on. I’m looking up at my old bedroom window, the small one over the front door.
By day, Chesterton Road is pretty quiet — a long curve of small, semi-detached houses made of reddish bricks. When they were first built, they must all have looked exactly the same, but now people have added fancy gates, garage extensions, even a massive monkey-puzzle tree outside old Mr Frasier’s, so these days they’re all a bit different.
Now, at nearly one a.m., there’s no one about and I’ve seen enough films and TV shows about criminals to know exactly how not to behave, and that’s suspiciously. If you act normally, no one notices you. If I wandered nervously up and down the street waiting for the right time, then someone might spot me going backwards and forwards looking at the houses, and call the police.
On the other hand, if I’m just walking down the street, then that’s all I’m doing, and it’s as good as being invisible.


卖贝商城 推荐:一只仓鼠的时间旅行 Time Travelling with a Hamster 英文原版童书 跨越时间和世代的旅程