尤斯伯恩看里面系列 大脑 See Inside Your Head 人体大脑百科知识 大开本纸板翻翻书 英文版进口原版英语书籍 英文原版绘本-图书推荐

尤斯伯恩看里面系列 大脑 See Inside Your Head 人体大脑百科知识 大开本纸板翻翻书 英文版进口原版英语书籍 英文原版绘本书名:See Inside Your Head尤斯伯恩看里面系列之大脑

作者:Alex Frith
出版社名称:Usborne Publishing Ltd
商品尺寸:22.2 x 28.4 x 1.9 cm

尤斯伯恩看里面系列 大脑 See Inside Your Head 人体大脑百科知识 大开本纸板翻翻书 英文版进口原版英语书籍 英文原版绘本
See Inside Your Head《尤斯伯恩看里面之大脑》是英国Usborne重磅出品的看里面系列之一。该系列童书分为“尤斯伯恩看里面(See Inside)”、“尤斯伯恩看里面(Look Inside)”、“尤斯伯恩偷偷看里面(Peep Inside)”3个子系列,此系列一经推出便受到读者的广泛赞誉。

尤斯伯恩看里面系列 大脑 See Inside Your Head 人体大脑百科知识 大开本纸板翻翻书 英文版进口原版英语书籍 英文原版绘本


This is an interactive flap book explaining the intricacies of the brain. From the simple science of synapses to more complex brain functions such as how memories are stored and the meaning of dreams, this book covers the essential part which the brain plays in our every action and thought. It is illustrated in a bright and accessible style, making this complex subject easy for inquisitive minds to understand. With over 50 flaps to lift, this book provides a great introduction to the world of neurological science for young children.
尤斯伯恩看里面系列 大脑 See Inside Your Head 人体大脑百科知识 大开本纸板翻翻书 英文版进口原版英语书籍 英文原版绘本
尤斯伯恩,是一家英国儿童文学出版商。Usborne是英国的专业儿童图书出版商,为所有年龄段的儿童创造,创新,易用的图书。是由皮特·尤斯伯恩(Peter Usborne)于1973年成立。尤斯伯恩出版社出版的童书被译成超过100种语言,囊括从婴儿书到青少年读物的所有年龄段的所有类别图书,其中以科普书、玩具书和益智游戏类图书见长。

Usborne Publishing, often called Usborne Books, is a United Kingdom-based publisher of children"s books. One of its sales channels is Usborne Books at Home, a multi-level marketing operation founded in 1981. Founded by Peter Usborne in 1973, Usborne Publishing uses an in-house team of writers, editors and designers.

尤斯伯恩看里面系列 大脑 See Inside Your Head 人体大脑百科知识 大开本纸板翻翻书 英文版进口原版英语书籍 英文原版绘本

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