材料科学基础 下册(英文版)-图书推荐


Chapter 6 Change from liquid or vapor phase to solid phase for one-component system
6.1 Phase equilibria and thermodynamics of phase transformation
6.1.1 Phase rule
6.1.2 One-component phase diagrams
6.2 Solidification of single component
6.2.1 Structure of melt
6.2.2 Free energy change during solidification
6.2.3 Nucleation
6.2.4 Crystal growth
6.2.5 CrystaUization kinetics and solidified microstructures
6.2.6 Structural modification and innovative technology
6.3 Vapor-solid phase transformation and growth of thin films
6.3.1 Vapor pressure
6.3.2 Thermodynamic conditions of evaporation and condensation
6.3.3 Mean free path of gaseous molecules
6.3.4 Nucleation
6.3.5 Growth modes of thin films
6.3.6 Application examples (giant magnetoresistance of multilayer and granular films)
6.4 Crystallization characteristics of polymers
Chapter 7 Binary phase diagrams and solidification of alloys
7.1 Representation and determination method of phase diagrams
7.2 Essentials of phase diagram thermodynamics
7.2.1 Free energy-composition curve of solid solution
7.2.2 The principle of common tangent of multiphase equilibrium
7.2.3 Free energy and lever rule of mixture
7.2.4 Phase diagram deduced from the free energy-composition curve
7.2.5 Geometric rules of binary phase diagram
7.2.6 Calculation of phase diagram
7.3 Binary phase diagram
7.3.1 Isomorphous phase diagram and solidification of solid solution
7.3.2 Eutectic phase diagram and solidification of alloys
7.3.3 Peritectic phase diagram and solidification of alloys
7.3.4 Miscibility gap phase diagram and spinodal decomposition
7.3.5 Binary phase diagrams of other forms
7.3.6 Analysis of complicated binary phase diagram
7.3.7 Alloy properties deduced from phase diagrams
7.3.8 Examples of binary phase diagrams
7.4 Solidification theory of binary alloys
7.4.1 Solidification theory of solid solution alloys
7.4.2 Solidification theory of eutectics
7.4.3 The structure and defects of alloy castings (ingots)
7.4.4 Casting and secondary processing of alloys
7.5 Brief introduction to polymer alloys
7.5.1 Compatibility of polymer alloy
7.5.2 Phase diagram of polymer system and its measurement
7.5.3 Preparation of polymer alloys
7.5.4 Morphological structure of polymer alloy
7.5.5 The general relationship between properties and components in polymer alloys
7.5.6 The main types of polymers and their alloys
7.6 Brief introduction of ceramic alloys
7.6.1 Synthesis of ceramic alloys 17.
7.6.2 Forming and sintering of ceramic powder
7.6.3 Preparation of glass
7.6.4 Properties of ceramic materials
Chapter 8 Ternary phase diagrams
8.1 The basics of ternary phase diagrams
8.1.1 Representation of components in ternary phase diagrams
8.1.2 The space pattern of ternary phase diagrams
8.1.3 Sections and projection drawings of ternary phase diagrams
8.1.4 Lever rule and barycenter rule in ternary phase diagrams
8.1.5 Analysis of equilibrium crystallization process of isomorphous phase diagrams
8.2 Ternary eutectic phase diagrams with insoluble components
8.3 Ternary eutectic phase diagrams with limited solid solubility
8.4 Ternary phase diagrams consisting of two binary eutectic systems and one binary isomorphous system
8.5 Ternary quasi-peritectic phase diagrams
8.6 Ternary phase diagrams with four-phase equilibrium peritectic transformation
8.7 Ternary phase diagrams with stable compound
8.8 Examples of ternary phase diagrams
8.9 Summary of ternary diagram
Chapter 9 Foundation of solid phase transformation
9.1 Introduction of solid-state phase transformation in metal
9.1.1 Main classification


本教材在原子和分子水平上概述了材料的物理基础及共性理论,将金属学、陶瓷学和高分子物理的基础理论融为一体,以研究材料共性规律,注重材料成分、组织结构、制备工艺和性能之间的内在联系,指导材料的设计和应用。全书分上、下两册。下册内容安排如下:单组元相图及纯晶体的凝固(第6章),二元系相图和合金的凝固与制备原理(第7章),三元相图(第8章),固态相变基础(第9章),以及材料的功能特性(0章)。 本书可以作为材料科学与工程学科的本科生教材,也可以作为研究生和从事材料科学研究与分析测试的工程技术人员的参考书。







卖贝商城 推荐:材料科学基础 下册(英文版)