

Motzu is a sage of China and a great personality of theworld. His religious thoughts, such as on the Will of Heav-en and Universal Love, may be as highly respected as thoseof Jesus Christ; his political theories, such as on Identifica-tion with the Superiors and Identifition with the Elites, maybe compared to those of Karl Marx; and his scientific princi-ples, such as on Physics and Optics, may be considered asadvanced as those of Albert Einstein. Thus, Professor Li-ang Chichao, one of the most prestigious contemporary Chi-nese scholars, once said that Motzu is little Christ but agreat Marx.


Chapter 1 Beloving the Scholars
Chapter 2 Self-Cultivation
Chapter 3 On Dyeing and Influencing
Chapter 4 On the Normal Standards
Chapter 5 The Seven Troubles
Chapter 6 Over-Indulgence
Chapter 7 On Three Objections
Chapter 8 Esteem of the Virtuous (Ⅰ)
Chapter 9 Esteem of the Virtuous (Ⅱ)
Chapter 10 Esteem of the Virtuous (Ⅲ)
Chapter 11 Esteem of the Identified (Ⅰ)
Chapter 12 Esteem of the Identified (Ⅱ)
Chapter 13 Esteem of the Identified (Ⅲ)
Chapter 14 Universal Love (Ⅰ)
Chapter 15 Universal Love (Ⅱ)
Chapter 16 Universal Love (Ⅲ)
Chapter 17 Against the Offensive War (Ⅰ)
Chapter 18 Against the Offensive War (Ⅱ)
Chapter 19 Against Offensive War (Ⅲ)
Chapter 20 Moderation in Expenditure (Ⅰ)
Chapter 21 Moderation in Expenditure (Ⅱ)
Chapter 25 Moderation in Funeral (Ⅲ)
Chapter 26 The Will of Heaven (Ⅰ)
Chapter 27 The Will of Heaven (Ⅱ)
Chapter 28 The Will of Heaven (Ⅲ)
Chapter 31 Explaining Ghosts (Ⅲ)
Chapter 32 Against Epicurism (Ⅰ)
Chapter 35 Against Fatalism (Ⅰ)
Chapter 36 Against Fatalism (Ⅱ)
Chapter 37 Against Fatalism (Ⅲ)
Chapter 39 Against Confucianism (Ⅲ)
Chapters 40——41 The Canons and Their Explanations (Ⅰ)
Chapters 42——43 The Canons and Their Explanations(Ⅱ)
Chapter 44 The Major Propositions
Chapter 45 The Minor Propositions
Chapter 46 Keng Chu
Chapter 49 Questions of the Lords
Chapter 50 Challenges of Gong Shu
Chapter 52 Preparation for City Defense
Chapter 53 Defense Against Overlooks
Chapter 56 Defense Against Ladders
Chapter 58 Defense Against Flooding
Chapter 61 Defense Against Sudden Attack
Chapter 62 Defense Against Tunnels
Chapter 63 Defense Against Mass Infantry
Chapter 69 On Flags and Pennons
Chapter 70 On Orders and Commendations
Chapter 71 Miscellaneous Defense


故虽有贤君,不爱无功之臣;虽有慈父,不爱无益之子。是故不胜其任,而处其位,非此位之人也;不胜其爵,而处其禄,非此禄之主也。 ……


Motzu is a sage of China and a great personality of the world. His religious thoughts, such as on the Will of Heav- en and Universal Love, may be as highly respected as those of Jesus Christ; his political theories, such as on Identifica- tion with the Superiors and Identifition with the Elites, may be compared to those of Karl Marx; and his scientific princi- ples, such as on Physics and Optics, may be considered as advanced as those of Albert Einstein. Thus, Professor Li- ang Chichao, one of the most prestigious contemporary Chi- nese scholars, once said that Motzu is little Christ but a great Marx.
When I was a young boy, I was very much influenced by Confucianism and I had terrible impression about Motzu. For Mencius, the great disciple of Confucius used to criticize Motzu by saying that Motzu, like Yangchu who despised the rulers and parents, was actually as rude like an animal.
It was 1949, when I moved to Hong Kong. There I met two distinguished scholars: Professor Su Shueling, an ex- pert on Chinese literature and Western mythology, and Fr. Gabriel Allegra, a Biblical scholar who translated the entire Bible into modern Chinese. Due to their inspiration and en- couragement, I began to study the complete works of Mot- zu. Twenty years of hard work later, I had completed both my master thesis and doctoral dissertation on different as- pects of Moism.
Historically speaking, Motzu passed away more than 20 centuries ago. During this period, his works have been al- most unknown in the West, and even in China, only a few scholars paid attention to him and his works.

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