



作者:孙洁,李一,湛邵斌 编











Unit 1 The Computer Age We Are Living in 1
Sectio1 Dialogue: The Impact of Computers oPeople’s Lives 2
Sectio2 Reading 3
Text A: The Evolutioof the Computer Age 3
Text B: Different Types of Computers 5
Text C: The Future of Computers 9
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: How to Start Your Career iInformatioTechnology 12
Sectio4 Class Activities: Guess Who the IT Figure Is 14

Unit 2 Computer Hardware 15
Sectio1 Dialogue: First Day at Work (Hardware Orientation) 16
Sectio2 Reading 17
Text A: Get to Know Your Personal Computer 17
Text B: PC Ports 22
Text C: Fast Facts oApple 25
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: How to Configure Your OwPC 29
Sectio4 Class Activities: Hardware Crossword Puzzle Game 32

Unit 3 Operating Systems 33
Sectio1 Dialogue: Buying aAndroid Tablet PC 34
Sectio2 Reading 35
Text A: How Operating Systems Work 35
Text B: About Windows Vista 39
Text C: Linux OS 41
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: How to Install aOperating System 44
Sectio4 Class Activities: Finding the New Features of iOS 45

Unit 4 ApplicatioSoftware 46
Sectio1 Dialogue: How to Solve aOffice Problem 47
Sectio2 Reading 48
Text A: Microsoft Office 48
Text B: How Time Management Software Works 51
Text C: Computer-Aided Design 55
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: How to Use Excel 2010 Formula 59
Sectio4 Class Activities: A Debate oVideo Games’ Effect oYoungsters 60

Unit 5 Computer Programming 62
Sectio1 Dialogue: How to Choose the Right Programming Language to Study 63
Sectio2 Reading 65
Text A: The Basics of C Programming 65
Text B: Object-oriented Programming 69
Text C: Languages to Know for Web Programming 73
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: Tips oGood Programming Style 76
Sectio4 Class Activities: Discussioo10 Traits of a Good Programmer 80

Unit 6 Database Technology 82
Sectio1 Dialogue: A Customer Database 83
Sectio2 Reading 84
Text A: What Relational Databases Are 84
Text B: Introductioto SQL 86
Text C: How Data Mining and Data Warehousing are Related 90
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: How to Write a Project Proposal 92
Sectio4 Class Activities: Using Google Earth to Search for a Location 95

Unit 7 Computer Networks 96
Sectio1 Dialogue: How Computers Communicate with Each Other 97
Sectio2 Reading 98
Text A: Computer Networking 98
Text B: Introductioto Network Types 100
Text C: Grid Computing 104
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: How to Configure Your IP Address 107
Sectio4 Class Activities: Sigup for a ForeigMailbox 109

Unit 8 The World Wide Web and the Internet 110
Sectio1 Dialogue: How the Internet Works 111
Sectio2 Reading 112
Text A: The Development of the Internet 112
Text B: Blog and Microblog 114
Text C: The History of the World Wide Web 116
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: How to Use Your Browser 120
Sectio4 Class Activities: Compete iComputer Games 121

Unit 9 CommunicatioOnline 122
Sectio1 Dialogue: Amazing QQ 123
Sectio2 Reading 124
Text A: Using Instant Messaging for Business 124
Text B: MSN 126
Text C: How to Ensure the Safety WheChatting Online 129
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: Shortcut Keys iQQ 132
Sectio4 Class Activities: Using ICQ to Chat with New Friends 134

Unit 10 Privacy and Security 135
Sectio1 Dialogue: My Poor Computer 136
Sectio2 Reading 137
Text A: Computer Viruses 137
Text B: Antivirus Software, a Good Defender 140
Text C: Computer Crime 143
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: How to Protect Your PC from Invasion 146
Sectio4 Class Activities: DiscussiooUser- friendly Firewalls and Antivirus Software 148

Unit 11 Multimedia 149
Sectio1 Dialogue: The Ultimate Movie Experience with IMAX 150
Sectio2 Reading 151
Text A: Multimedia and Its Applications 151
Text B: Graphics File Formats 153
Text C: Adobe Photoshop 157
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: How to Make a Wonderful Presentatiothat Makes the Sale 159
Sectio4 Class Activities: Using Photoshop to Make Pictures Look Great 162

Unit 12 Electronic Commerce 163
Sectio1 Dialogue: Online Shopping for Books 164
Sectio2 Reading 165
Text A: E-commerce and Its Global Trends 165
Text B: How does E-commerce Work 167
Text C: The Lure of E-commerce 169
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: How to Achieve aOnline Store Success 172
Sectio4 Class Activities: Video Watching (E-commerce) 175

Unit 13 New and Emerging Technologies 176
Sectio1 Dialogue: Why It Is Called “Cloud Computing” 177
Sectio2 Reading 178
Text A: Cloud Computing 178
Text B: Toward a Global “Internet of Things” 180
Text C: What You Need to Know about Big Data 182
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: How to Write a Good Resume 186
Sectio4 Class Activities: Video Watching (Big Data) 191

Unit 14 Your Future and InformatioTechnology 192
Sectio1 Dialogue: IT Working Experience 193
Sectio2 Reading 194
Text A: Shaping the Internet Age 194
Text B: Building aIT Career ithe Midst of Change 196
Text C: To Be a Winner ithe InformatioRevolution 199
Sectio3 Occupational Tips: The First Job Interview 202
Sectio4 Class Activities: AIT Interview 204

附录 参考译文(Text A)及答案 205
计算机英语常用词汇英汉对照表 235
参考文献 248


本书充分借鉴了当今国外和国内ESP(专门用途英语)教学的研究成果并结合IT类专业和英语教学的特点,以培养高职计算机专业学生基于岗位的实际英语交际能力和应用能力为出发点,以培养学生可持续发展的职业核心竞争力为目标,是一本为高职计算机专业学生量身打造和精心编制的计算机信息技术英语教材。教材共分为14个单元,具体包括计算机硬件、软件、操作系统、编程语言、数据库、网络、即时通信、计算机安全、多媒体、电子商务、计算机新技术等计算机专业内容,并涵盖了移动设备操作系统(Android, iOS)、云计算、大数据、物联网等当前计算机领域的技术和概念。此外,本书还围绕每单元的话题增加了情景对话、职业技能、职场点滴(包括职业规划、职场规则、简历撰写、面试技巧)等内容,并在每单元的最后设计了具有很强实践性和实操性的活动,全方位训练和提高学生面向当前的行业、企业岗位需求,在真实工作环境中的英语交际能力、应用能力和学习能力。

卖贝商城 推荐:【RY】实用IT英语(第2版)/高职高专IT英语教材计算机硬件、软件、操作系统、编程语言、数据库、网络/人民邮电出版社