

中国正在迅速崛起,不仅在亚洲大陆,而且在全世界的科技和高科技领域都处于领先地位,发明家和金融科技投资者作为创新者取得了令人瞩目的成就。中国的突破性进展让读者近距离看到了这个亚洲国家令人惊叹的科技发展。 本书内容深浅适宜,文风平实理性,以外国人的视角看待中国各领域的突破性成就,对于外国网友和读者而言,可信度高、说服力强,有利于正面展现中国形象、传递中国声音。


Smartphones get Al-enabled touchTibetan medicine reaches higher plateaus with new advances and curesCharging ahead on HyperFlight Transport at supersonic speedsTurning on the lights in AfricaCruising around the world for maritime researchPursuing the scholar"s life with digital educationAI assistant doctors rush to the rescueXiamen Port gets intelligent on customs clearanceNuclear power gets major revival3D printing pumps new life for young heart patientsBaidu hopes you never get lost in translationBaihetan Dam hydro-power project to boost greater prosperity for SW ChinaCargo spacecraft Tianzhou-I scores high marks on testingPalace Museum gets digital renovationBeiDou revs up navigation for motorcycles and moreQuadriplegics get third-hand with sensor-equipped eyegassesTurning deserts into forests to prevent sandstormsMSCI inclusion of A-shares sets stage for value-added Chinese stock exchangesMission to Mars prepares for liftoff in 2020Rise of digital payments leads to cashless societyCatching a closer resolution on Gaofen-3 satelliteFlying full-speed ahead on stealth fighter jets-Chengdu J-20Making waves with tidal stream energyDetecting major discoveries in gravitational wave researchOpening new communications lines via quantum physicsHK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge sets world recordsHangzhou Cyber Court ushers in "digital justice"Warming up to Artificial Sun researchE-commerce takes a flying leap with aerial drone deliveriesSAIL ahead on South Atlantic cable networkBuilding AI centers for a new eraBreathing fresh air into "Forest City"Providing digital education for rural schoolsMaking a big play of 5G networksChinese supercomputers get top rankings for speedMelting combustible ice for commercial useChina pes deper in deep sea explorationCOMAC soars with C919 jumbo jets ordersCRRC prepares testing for faster maglev trainsNew international payments system goes into operationTelemedicine ignites healthcare transformationBuilding the world"s largest radio telescope with prideAmbitious agenda floats for Bohai Rim underwater tunnelFirms develop 4.0-intelligent fisheries in NorwaySatellite technology soars aheadChinese companies seek tech innovations in IsraelRobots get real and trendyAdvances in "Made-in-China"chip technologyElectric vehicle batteries get a super rechargeNew technologies give hope to missing childrens families

卖贝商城 推荐:中国突破:令世界称奇的高科技发展