内容推荐本书是笔者带领的课题研究组在云南大学开展的一次大学英语教学改革实证研究。有两个目的:其一,探索威莉斯任务型教学的改进模式是否更能提升非英语专业大学生的英语听力水平;其二,探索威莉斯任务型教学的改进模式是否更能增强非英语专业大学生的英语学习动机。希望能为大学英语教学改革、外语习得和二语习得、教师教学策略的选择以及课堂设计和管理提供一些经验和参考。作者简介刘志成,云南大学副教授、博士。研究方向:英语语言学、英语教学法。已出版学术专著两部;主持第九批中国外语教育基金项目、全国高校外语教学科研项目等八项;以独立作者身份在CSSCI等各级期刊上发表论文40多篇;参编“十二五”国家重点图书出版规划等教材八部。荣获云南省级教学奖两项;曾入选云南大学第四批中青年骨干教师培养计划;先后荣获云南大学“伍达观优秀教师奖”、“宝钢优秀教师奖”、云南大学“红云园丁优秀教师奖”等。目录PrefaceAcknowledgementsAbbreviation IndexChapter One Introduction 1.1 Background Introduction 1.2 College English Curriculum Requirements and TBLT 1.3 Conditions Necessary for Language Learning and Acquisition 1.4 Current Teaching Approaches 1.5 The Disadvantages of Traditional Teacher-centered Approach 1.6 Why TBLT can Facilitate Target Language Acquisition 1.7 The Limitations of Current TBLT Researches 1.8 The Innovations and Meanings of This Research 1.9 The Objectives of This Research 1.10 The Perspective of This Research 1.11 Research Methods 1.12 The Structure of the Research 1.13 SummaryChapter Two Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Definitions of a Task 2.3 Motivation 2.4 Strategies to Motivate Students 2.5 Listening 2.6 Three Stages of Listening Comprehension 2.7 Roles of Both Teachers and Learners 2.8 Task-based Language Teaching 2.9 Four Other TBLT Frameworks 2.10 SummaryChapter Three Theoretical Foundations for TBLT 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Theoretical Foundations for TBLT 3.3 Cooperative Learning and Students" Anxiety 3.4 The Monitor Hypothesis and TBLT 3.5 SummaryChapter Four Willis" TBLT Framework 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Wilis" Conditions for Language Learning 4.3 Tasks in Willis" TBLT Framework 4.4 Jane Willis" TBLT Framework 4.5 Comments on Willis" Framework 4.6 Willis"Framework and Four Others 4.7 SummaryChapter Five Experimental Design and Methodology 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Participants 5.3 Measurements 5.4 Task Performance 5.5 The Shortcomings of Wilis" Framework 5.6 Research Design and Treatment 5.7 Procedure and Data Analysis 5.8 Revised Jane Willis" TBLT Framework 5.9 How to Give Instructions 5.10 An Example of Application of the Revised Jane Willi" TBLT Framework 5.11 The Evaluation for the Revised Jean Willis" Framework 5.12 Limitations of the Research 5.13 SummaryChapter Six Results and Findings 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Results 6.3 SummaryChapter Seven Conclusion 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Conclusions and Interpretations 7.3 The Progressiveness and Limitations of TBLT 7.4 Implications from the Revised Willis"TBLT Framework 7.5 Recommendations for Further Researches 7.6 SummaryBibliographyAppendix Appendix Ⅰ Appendix Ⅱ Appendix Ⅲ Appendix Ⅳ