波传播法解析结构振动(英文版 精)-图书推荐






1 The Basic Theory of Structure-Borne Noise
1.1 The Vibration Modes of Beams
1.1.1 Basic Equations
1.1.2 MATLAB Examples
1.2 The Vibration Modes of Plates
1.2.1 Basic Equations
1.2.2 Calculation Examples for Plates
1.2.3 The Natural Frequencies of Plates
1.3 Sound Pressure, Sound Power, and Sound Radiation Efficiency
1.3.1 Far-Field Sound Pressure
1.3.2 The Wave Number Transform Solution
1.3.3 Volume Velocity and Sound Pressure
1.4 Sound Power and Sound Radiation Efficiency
1.4.1 Basic Equations for the Radiation Mode Theory
1.4.2 Examples of Beam and Plate Structures
1.4.3 Radiation Efficiency in Terms of Radiation Modes
1.4.4 Radiation Efficiency in Terms of Structural Modes
1.4.5 Examples of the Calculation of Radiation Efficiency
2 Basic Theory of WPA
2.1 Challenges and Evolution of Analytical Method
2.2 Mathematical Description of WPA
2.2.1 Development History of WPA
2.2.2 Characteristic Function Expressed by Exponential Function
2.2.3 Coefficients of Response Function of Point Harmonic Force
2.2.4 Coefficients of Point Harmonic Bending Moment Response Function
2.2.5 Boundary Conditions
2.2.6 Analytical Reconstruction of Finite Beam
2.3 WPA for Analysis of Finite Simple Structures
2.3.1 WPA Expressions of Displacement, Shear Force, and Bending Moment
2.3.2 S-S Beam
2.3.3 C-C Beam
2.3.4 C-F Beam
2.3.5 Comparison Between WPA and Classical Analytical Method
2.4 Traceability and Characteristic Analysis of WPA
2.4.1 Traceability of WPA
2.4.2 Characteristics of WPA
2.5 Introduction to the Various Parameters in WPA
2.5.1 WPA and Mechanism Analysis
2.6 Shortcomings of WPA
2.7 Summary
3 Analysis of Plate Structure Using WPA Method
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Bending Vibration and Wave of Uniform Plate
3.3 Response of Infinite Plate Under Harmonic Force (Moment)
3.3.1 Response of an Infinite Plate Under Harmonic Force
3.3.2 Response of Infinite Plate Under Harmonic Moment
3.4 Wave Propagation in Infinite Plate at the Vertical Incidence of Bending Wave in Discontinuous Interface
3.4.1 Plate Simply Supported at the Middle
3.4.2 Plate Simply Supported at One End
3.4.3 Plate Firmly Supported at One End
3.4.4 Plate Free at One End
3.5 Wave Propagation When Bending Wave of Infinite Plate Is Incident on Discontinuous Interface
3.6 Forced Vibration of a Rectangular Plate with Both Ends Simply Supported
3.7 Analytical Solution Example for Vibration of a Plate Using WPA
3.8 WPA Method for Solving Structure Power Flow of Plate
3.9 Summary
4 WPA for Analyzing Complex Beam Structures
4.1 Research History and Methods of Complex Beam Structures
4.2 WPA Analysis of Elastic Coupled Beams
4.2.1 Establishment of WPA Expression
4.2.2 Boundary Conditions and Consistency Conditions
4.2.3 Vibration Response of Elastic Coupled Beam
4.3 Finite Arbitrary Multi-Supported Elastic Beam
4.3.1 Mechanical Model and WPA Expression
4.3.2 WPA Superposition Under Multi-Harmonic Force Excitation
4.4 Dynamic Response and Stress of Four-Supported Mast
4.4.1 Mechanical Model and WPA Expression
4.4.2 Analysis of Dynamic Stress of Four-Supported Mast
4.5 Periodic and Quasi-Periodic Structures
4.5.1 Properties of Periodic Structure
4.5.2 Properties of Quasi-Periodic Structure
4.6 Energy Transmission Loss Due to Flexible Tubes
4.6.1 Establishment of WPA Expression
4.6.2 Boundary Conditions and Consistency Conditions
4.6.3 Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of Pipe Sections with Flexible Tubes
4.7 Double-Stage Vibration Isolation Device for Pipeline
4.7.1 Establishment of WPA Expression
4.7.2 Boundary Conditions and Consistency Conditions

卖贝商城 推荐:波传播法解析结构振动(英文版 精)