闻邦椿教授论文集 第3集:英文科技学术论文(英文版)-图书推荐
暂缺《闻邦椿教授论文集 第3集:英文科技学术论文(英文版)》作者简介
The First Part Academic Reports and Papers on Utilization of Vibration and Wave
1 Recent Developments and Prospects of Vibration Utilization Engineering
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Utilization of mechanical vibration (including of nonlinear vibration)
1.3 Utilization of wave and wave energy
1.4 Application of electrical,magnetic and optical oscillators
1.5 Applications of vibration rules in nature and human society
1.6 Prospects
2 Recent Developments of Course Vibration Utilization Engineering
2.1 To submit conception of Vibration Utilization Engineering and to construct theoretical frame of this course
2.2 To study and develop several new craft theories and technologies
2.3 To study several new vibratory mechanisms
2.4 To study applications of nonlinear vibration theory in the design of vibrating machines
2.5 To study generalized and deeply dynamic design theory and method
2.6 Application of theory and technology of Vibration Utilization Engineering in industrial branches
2.7 Prospects
3 Recent Developments and Prospects of Utilization Techniques of Wave and Wave Energy
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Utilization of wave and wave energy
3.3 New technology of controllable exciters with super-low frequency for exploiting Oil
3.4 New technology of ocean waves power
3.5 Technology of mixing fuel oil with water for economizing oil
3.6 Technique of cutting with supersonic vibration
3.7 Effect of supersonic on medical treatment
3.8 Other applications of waveness and wave energy
3.9 Prospects
4 Probability Thick-Layer Screening Method and Its Applications
4.1 Origination and background of probability-thick-layer method
4.2 Characteristics of probability thick-layer screening method
4.3 Basic principles of probability thick-layer screening procedure
4.4 Results of experimental investigation on PTSM
4.5 Conclusions
The Second Part Academic Reports and Papers on Vibratory Synchronization and Controlled Synchronization
The Third Part Academic Reports and Papers on the Engineering Application of Nonlinear Vibration
The Fourth Part Academic Reports and Papers on Rotor Dynamics and Fault Diagnosis
The Fifth Part Academic Reports and Papers on Product Design Methodology