



Unit One An Introduction to British. and American History
1. The Early Settlers and the Celts
2. The Roman Invasion and Occupation
3. The Anglo-Saxon Invasion (446-871)
4. The Norman Conquest and the Middle Ages (1066-1485)
5. The 14th to 15th Century
6, The 16th Century (Transition from Middle Ages to Modern Period)
7. The 17th Century
8. The 18th Century
9. The 19th Century
10. The 20th Century
1. The Colonial Period
2. The Revolutionary Period
3. The American Civil War
4. The America during the Two World Wars
Unit Two Geography and Famous Attractions
1. The Country and Its Name
2. The Four Regions of the UK
3. The Major Tourist Sites of the UK
1. The GeographyofAmerica
2. The National Flag
3. The NationalEmblem
4. Major Cities of America
5. Major Tourist Sites of America
Unit Three Politics and Economy
British Politics
1. British Government System
2. The Monarchy
3. The Parliament
4. Justice andthe Law
American Politics
1. US Constitution
2. Three Branches of Government
3. The Presidency
4. The Congress
5. The Supreme Court
6. Political Parties &Elections
British Economy
1. Absolute and Relative Decline of the British Economy
2. Causes for the Relative Decline
3. Privatization in the 1980s
4. The Three Main Sectors of the British Economy
5. The City of London
American Economy
1. Agriculture
2. Manufacturing Industry
3. Service Industry
Unit Four Education System and Famous Universities
1. An Overview of English Education System
2. Primary Education
3. Secondary Education
4. Further Education
5. Higher Education
6. Famous Universities
1. An Overview of the Education System of America
2. ElementaryEducation
3. Secondary Education
4. Higher Education
5. Public and Private Schools in America
6. The IvyLeague
The Tests of Applying for Overseas Universities
Unit Five American and British Religion and Customs
1. Christianity
2. Religion in the UK
3. Religion in the United States
1. Ladies First
2. Naming Names
3. Shopping!
4. Dinner and Takeaways
5. Cards
6. Appearance
7. Behavior
8. Communications
9. The Superstitions
10. Leisure Society
11. Gambling
12. Pubs and Clubs
13. Dining Out
14. Sports
Unit Six Mass Media
1. Television
2. Radio
3. Newspaper
4. Famous Awards in UK
5. Famous Actors and Actresses in UK
1. Radio and Television
2. Newspapers and Magazines
3. Famous Awards in America
4. Famous Actors and Actresses in America
Celebrities in Sports
Unit Seven Festivals and Holidays
1. January
2. February
3. March
4. April
5. May
6. June
7. July
8. August
9. September
10. October
11. November
12. December
Unit Eight Learn from the Reading
The Absent-minded Professor
The Variety Show
Lesson for a Doctor
The Red Bowl
What Happened in Grimsby?
The Man with the Scar
Unit Nine Idioms, Proverbs and Others
1. Idioms and Useful Expressions
2. Useful Proverbs
3. Useful Phrases
4. Others

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