快捷英语 高中英语优选精练同步听力 人教版 高二上高中英语优选精练同步听力编写组 编作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐




  必修5UnIt 1 Great scientistsUnit 2 The United KingdomUnit 3 Life in the futureUnit 4 Making the newsUnit 5 First aid期中听力测试必修6UnIt 1 ArtUnit 2 PoemsUnit 3 A healthy lifeUnit 4 Global warmingUnit 5 The power of nature期末听力测试录音稿参考答案


  not, please let me know. Im Professor Jotm Morris. Ill be your teacher for the next 13 weeks. As you canprobably tell, this is one of the most popular and crowded classes. Indeed, every time these courses are offered,this room is very full. Why is that? Well, in order to use the English language, its very important to have at leasta basic understanding of how words are formed. Just to mention one figure, there are about one million words inEnglish. If you are an English learner, you might wonder how you can possibly remember all of these words.Well, for one thing you don have to. No native speaker exists who knows all of the words in the Englishlanguage. Besides, there are short cuts. Short cuts? Yes, for example, if you know how words are formed byusing parts of words from other languages, such as Greek and French, youll understand a good number ofEnglish words when you first come across them. Let me put it this way. Knowing the rules will help you mastera large number of words. This is probably the No. l reason why this class is so popular.   ……