教师备课参考高中英语必修2卓福宝 编作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐






  Unit 1 Cultural relicsHistory of Aswan DamThe artistic use of AmberMystery of The Amber RoomThe raw materialThe Old City of Jerusalem and Its WallsClassical Gardens of Suzhou——An Earthly ParadiseAngkor Wat—CambodiaThe Taj Mahal In IndiaThe Grand CanyonDouble Seventh FestivalThe Duanwu FestivalA Leap Over the Tanxi RiverFresh from Thatched CottageCao Cao Presents A BladeDrinking Alone Under The MoonIThe Great WallChinaWodd Cultural HeritageThe Temple of Heaven of BeiJingThe PyramidsMagic JiuzhaigouMogao Caves of DunhuangAngkor WarThe High DamThe Summer Palace(Yiheyuan)The Winter PalaceThe Great WallForbidden CityStPetersburgThe LuoYang Longmen GrottoesThe Great Pyramid一rhe Pyramid of KhufuMore Mystery AheadUvs Nuur Basin in Mongolia/Russian FederationMonte San Giorgio in SwitzerlandMuseum of Qin Terra Cotta Warriors and HorsesUnit 2 The Olympic GamesOlympics return home with pageantry set amid sea of athletesThe Olympic GamesThe first Modern Olympic Games in 1896Modern Olympic GamesOlympic TraditionsOpening worthy of modern mythologyRationale of the Olympic EmblemAncient Olympic EventsIntroduction to the Special OlympicsPlace Wars And Lace Wars and the Olympic GamesOlympian EconomicsEnhancements For The Long Term地方战术与奥运会奥林匹克经济学增强长期效益的意识五环旗上的五环象征着什么?Bloodshed OlympicSydney:Host of Olympic GamesAmerica and the Winter Olympics举办奥运会应具备什么条件?The National Stadium就想要一个词The Olympin GodsWords of SportsAmerican Football奥运会的起源与发展Greek Olympic Games中国与奥运The Official Mascots of the Beijing 2008 Olympic GamesHippomenesHistory of the GamesAn Olympic Story:Phidippides and the ori of the MarathonPausaniasUnit 3 ComputersAlan Mathisen TuringWho invented the computer?Who was the first programmer?What is a computer program?What does DOS stand for?What is a silicon chip?Are any devices being developed to replace silicon chips?How iS a byte defined?HoW is a hard disk different from a floppy disk?Why does a computer floppy disk have to“formatted”What is a pixel?Who invented the computer mouse?What is a computer“virus”and how is it spread?Where did the term“bug”originate?Computer and HackerWhat iS a Muhi—Media?Computer CrimeBull MarketComputer TerminologyHow Computers Work?How Have Computers Changed Our Lives?{The World Wide WebUnit 4 Wildlife protectionThe History of the World Wide Fund for NatureThe Milu DeerReturning RoseatesThe Dodo iS a Le:sson in ExtinctionKarner,S Got the BluesWhy Did the Dinosaurs Disappear?Conservation the EarthS Natural ResourcesWildlife ConservationForest Resources ConservationConservation of Mineral ResourcesThe Conservation MovementFurther Resources For ConservationMilu Deer Return To ChinaAnimal:Our FriendsAmericaS Best Idea Film:The National ParksPlanting Trees and Raising ChildrenParrotS EngagementFish Spirit Made TroubleFishermanS RevengeHouyi Shoots Down the SunsMonkeyMilu deerDinosaur从英语习语中看到动物词汇差异WWF:the World Wildlife FundWhat Does The World Wildlife Mean?Unit 5 MusicMusicThe MonkeesPop MusicMusical InstrumentsChinese MusicCountry—and—Western MusicArab MusicAmerican MusicAfrican MusicJapanese MusicLatin American MusicFolk MusicElectronic MusicIndian MusicWestern MusicR&B:Rhythm—and—Blues MusicRap MusicWho Invented The Musical Notes?The Elements of MusicCountry Music


  洛杉矶奥运会的经济效益,据说总消费约为14亿美元,运动会所创的临时就业机会约为7.5万个。对1996年亚特兰大奥运会经济效益的初步估计是,佐治亚州在经济上的主要开支和辅助开支为35亿美元,可创约8.3万份工作。  主办奥运会的好处不总是马上就看得见的。主办奥运会是千载难逢的展示自我的大好机会。巴塞罗那因主办1992年夏季奥运会而获得的知名度,是决定在西班牙境内扩展经营和国际企业寻求在西班牙开办公司的重要因素。同样,加拿大艾伯塔的卡尔加里在主办1988年冬季奥运会前并不怎么出名,但自此以后却获得了非同寻常的持久知名度,成为一个重要的旅游城市,尤其吸引了亚洲的旅游者。  从亚特兰大的现实情况来看,奥运会这一类的事件是可以提高该城的形象,但并不能保证可以吸引公司来设立新点。那些决定最终还得基于商业的基本原则。  然而,像奥运会这样的重大活动可以唤起人们对一个地区的新的信任感,激发原先没有考虑这一地区为重点投资目标的人去投资。这种现象在亚特兰大非常明显。以前不打算在亚特兰大进行饭店业投资的人,现在显示出了新的信心,正积极地在这一地区寻求饭店业投资的机会。

