帮你考高中姚汪臧 编作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐


  《帮你考高中:初中英语总复习精要》包括四大部分和一个附录。前三部分是编写者在教学实践中发现的一些问题,对有关内容作了例题评析,对学生的一些常见错误进行分析,希望以此帮助学生减少错误,在每一部分后编写了单项训练,供学生操练。第二部分为综合练习题,根据中考的题型,包括听力、语音、词汇、语法、阅读和写话六方面的内容,每套习题均有规范的答题纸。《帮你考高中:初中英语总复习精要》最后的附录部分是全部试题的参考答案,供读者备考。  听力部分的文字内容可见附录部分,使用《帮你考高中:初中英语总复习精要》的学生可进行互测。听力的测试内容是常见的题型,突出了实用性。


  第一部分 听力第二部分 语音、词汇和语法第三部分 阅读和写话第四部分 综合练习练习(一)练习(二)练习(三)练习(四)练习(五)练习(六)练习(七)练习(八)练习(九)练习(十)附录:Ⅰ.上海市2000年中等学校高中阶段招生文化考试英语试卷及参考答案Ⅱ.上海市2001年初中毕业中等学校招生文化考试英语试卷及参考答案Ⅲ.第一、二、三部分练习题参考答案Ⅳ.综合练习卷答题纸V.综合练习卷参考答案及听力部分文字材料


  In 1909 an English newspaper decided tO give 1,000 pounds to the first man tO fly across the English Channel(英吉利海峡)in an aeroplane.Today,modern planes croas it in minutes.But at that time it still seemed a good distance.  The race tO win the money soon became a race between two men.Both were very colorful.  One was Louise 131eriot.He owned a factory in France that nlade motor car Iamps.He was already welbknown as a pilot because he had crashed(坠落)several times.Some people laughed at him.One nIan said."Hemaynot bethefirsttodie in erash.”ButBleriotWsa really a good and brave pilot.He also had maay good deas about aeroplane design(设计)  The other msn was Huberr Lathan.He WSS half French and half English.He took up flying when his doctor told him he had only a year to live.“Oh,well,”be said,If I’m going to diesoon.I think I shall have a dangerous and interesting life now.”Lathan was the first to fly acrossthe Channel.Ten kilometres from the French side,his plane had engine trouble.It crashed intothe water and began to sink(下沉)USder the water.A boat reached Lathan ust in time.He took off six davs later.He flew intO the bw clouds and somehow(不知怎么地,以某种方式)got t0 the English side and landed in a farmers field.When he did so,a customs ofricer rushed up tO his plane.Planes have changed since then,but customs oIricers have not.Have you anything to declare(申报)?the officer askad.