英语阅读理解100篇蔡晔 编作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐


  英语课在小学阶段的教学和考试中的地位越来越重要。“英语课程标准”要求小学阶段学生必须完成10万字以上的英语阅读量,阅读技能测试也是各类英语考试的重中之重。因此,为了配合英语课堂教学和满足学生阅读技能训练的需求,我们特组织了一批来自一线的优秀教师,组成了“广外小学英语新课程研究组”,倾力打造一批小学英语辅导书。  《高分突破·英语阅读理解100篇:5年级》以培养学生学习英语的兴趣为首要目标。通过阅读训练和测试,引导学生形成良好的阅读习惯,掌握各种阅读技巧,拓展知识面,轻松达到学习目标。  《高分突破·英语阅读理解100篇:5年级》的阅读短文选材遵循本地区教材及课堂教学特点,题材全面、难易度适中、可读性强,体裁以应用文和记叙文为主,故事生动有趣,而且还附有精美的译文,便于学生对照自学提高。  《高分突破·英语阅读理解100篇:5年级》题型活泼、多样化,囊括了小学升初中考试阅读题的常考题型,将词汇、短语、语法等考点巧妙地融入试题中,引导学生在读中学、读中记、读中练。


  Going to the HospitalAndyIt Is My TrainOrangesThe Traditional Chinese ClothesVisit Forest ZooAn Oak TreeA Happy DayHow Old Is She?Jacks WeekendsA CoincidenceTwo Holes in the DoorGood FriendsMy Brother LeoA Barbers JokeA Blue CoatA Cameras WordsLondonOn the BusWho Is the God?The Longest WordWe Have the Same MotherThe WhitesMy Home Is Over ThereWhere Is My Cat?A Lazy BoyTwo ThievesAre You Going to Treat Me?Thats Not EnoughA Warm-hearted ManSometimesI Can Answer the QuestionHell Beat MeThe Dead SeaYou Ate a FlyFive Yuan for Pulling out a ToothYour House Is on Fire!The SunFour MealsAnimals HomeThe White HouseWaterAre You Hungry?Hong KongMr BrownHow to Improve Our English Study?Streets of Water


  I was walking down the streetthe other day when I suddenly saw asmall wallet lying on the ground. Ipicked it up and opened to see if Icould find the owners name. Therewas nothing inside it except some money and an old photo ofa woman and a young girl about twelve years old. The girllooked like the womans daughter. I put the photo back andtook the wallet to the police station. There I gave it to apoliceman. Before I left, the policeman took down my nameand address so that the owner could write and thank me ifthey found it.  That evening I went for dinner with my aunt and uncle.They also asked a young woman, so there were four peopleat table. Her face seemed familiar. I was quite sure that wehad met before, but I could not remember where I had seenher. During the talking, the young woman said that she hadlost her wallet that afternoon. At once I knew where I hadseen her. She was just the young girl in the photo thoughshe was now much older. She was very surprised, ofcourse, when I was able to tell her what her wallet was like.  My uncle said that we should go to the police station at once:o get the wallet. As that policeman handed it over, he said it~ras an interesting coincidence——I not only found the wallet.  ……