

  本丛书为4、5年级小学生开扩英语阅读视野而编写,它有助于提高小学生的英语阅读水平。每册各有40个单元。所选材料新颖、丰富,涵盖生物、科技、校园生活、文娱体育以及童话等方面内容,每篇均附可爱的插图。  本丛书既适合在老师指导下集体使用,也适合学生个别使用。老师既可利用早读课让学生做此练习,也可作为寒暑假读物。


  Unit 1 Do You Know about Dinosaurs?Unit 2 Happy Birthday to You-Giant PandaUnit 3 The Jobs We KnowUnit 4 Your BonesUnit 5 A Lucky Holiday (1)Unit 6 A Lucky Holiday (2)Unit 7 My DadUnit 8 The Magic Snowman (1)Unit 9 The Magic Snowman (2)Unit 10 Healthy Eating (1)Unit 11 Healthy Eating (2)Unit 12 New ClothesUnit 13 My ClassroomUnit 14 Lucky NumbersUnit 15 How Many People Annie SeesUnit 16 ButterfliesUnit 17 In an Amusement ParkUnit 18 A Skinny PigUnit 19 A Talking FrogUnit 20 Where Does a Butterfly Come from?Unit 21 Spring FestivalUnit 22 Happiness CollectorUnit 23 IAmaCIownUnit 24 My ShadowUnit 25 About MusicUnit 26 Extreme SportsUnit 27 The Rock And the EngineUnit 28 Little Red HatUnit 29 Is He a Pet?Unit 30 Sea AnimalsUnit 31 Going to the ZooUnit 32 BalloonsUnit 33 Teddys TripUnit 34 Camping with My FamilyUnit 35 Go to the DoctorsUnit 36 A Box of CrayonsUnit 37 A Trip of a LetterUnit 38 A Visit to Mars 777Unit 39 The Friends of the SeasonsUnit 40 A Warm HolidayKeys