

  根据科学研究表明,儿童通常每小时可读15-25个生词,而成人在理解的前提下可认读50个生词。尽管接受生词的多少会因人的年龄、情绪、动机、学习背景等因素而有很大差异,但初中阶段总共要求掌握3100多个词汇,所以平均每天只要记住3个词汇,就已经超额完成任务了。因此,我们首先要解开心结,轻松上阵。每天只要记住3个就行。怎么样,现在你是不是觉得记单词轻松多了呢?  本手册全面配合最新人教版新目标英语教材,涵盖高三年级教材全部词汇,并配有经典列句及语法精要,方便你在语境中自然记忆词汇;在编排中,英汉左右对照,词条间用不同颜色区分,充分强化背记的实用性;在标记上,突出重点,在栏目里,扩充词汇知识,增加对比、联想等记忆方法,做到轻松记单词。


  Unit 1 Howdoyou studyforatest?Unit 2 Iusedtobeafraidofthedark.Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose theirown clothes.Unit 4 What would you do?Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Unit 6 Ilike music thatIcan danceto?Unit 7 Where would you like tovisit?Unit 8 I’llhelpcleanupthe cityparks.Unit 9 When was it invented?Unit 10 By the time I got outside the bus has already left.Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Uuit 12 you’re supposed to shakehands.Unit 13 Rainy days make me sadUnit 14 Have you packedyel?Unit l5 We’retryingto savethe manatees!