新世纪英语课课指导与训练《新世纪英语课课指导与训练》编写组 编作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐
Unit One1.Travelling by AirLanguage Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)2.Receiving a VisitorLanguage Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)0Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)Unit Two1.WaterLanguage Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)2.A Geography LessonLanguage Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)3.Owning a Private CarLanguage Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)Unit Three1.School UniformsLanguage Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)2.Spending HabitsLanguage Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)3.What Are Good Friends?Language Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)Unit Four1.Love Them.Love Them All!Language Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)2.Tom Sawyer Paints the Fencef Language Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)Mid.term ExaminationFinal ExaminationKey
Mr Black gave his wife money every Friday evening, but she always spent itbefore the next Wednesday. For the next three days she had none. Every Tuesday evening Mr Black asked her, "What did you spend all thatmoney on?" and she always answered, "I dont know. " One Friday Mr Black brought home an exercise book and a pencil and gavethem to his wife along with the money. "Now look!" he said to her. "When you getmoney from me, write it down on this page, and on the next page write down whatyou spend the money on. " When Mr Black came home the next Tuesday, his wife came to him and showedhim the book, "I have done what you told me," she said happily. On the first pageshe had written "Friday, 28th June, I got 18 pounds from John," and on the nextpage, "Tuesday, 2nd July, I have spent it all. " Not many years ago, a rich and strange old man named Johnson lived in avillage in the south of England. He had made a lot of money in trading with foreigncountries. ……