新世纪英语课课指导与训练洪蓓蓓 等 著作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐
随着上海市二期课程教材改革的不断深入发展,中学英语教学的目标不断更新。新教材的多样性,注重学生语言综合运用能力的培养等特点已为广大师生和家长广泛认同和接受,并达成一致的共识:社会的发展,对学生摄取信息和交际能力的要求不断提升,学生对词汇和听说读写的需求激增。广大师生迫切需求一套适合新教材、新要求、新目标的教学辅导书,来引导学生较快养成课前预习和课后复习的良好习惯,有效培养学生的外语学习能力,使学生在课内学习与课后复习自测相得益彰,有效提高外语学习效益。为此目的我们编写了一套配合《新世纪初中英语》教材的教学辅导书。 作者均来自教学第一线。他们具有丰富的教学实践经验,并擅长于根据学生的不同语言水平,编写各种学习材料。因此编者对新教材教学目标清晰,对新教材编写体例和特点熟悉,对学生学习过程中所遇到的困难了解。这些均为编写好《新世纪英语课课指导与训练:7年级(第2学期)》提供了可靠的保证。 《新世纪英语课课指导与训练:7年级(第2学期)》体例为两大部分:第一部分是有关每课的语言点,重点句型和语法点的讲解,并配有精当的实例;第二部分是有关上述语言点、句型和语法等的综合练习。各种练习的设计均出自于强化基础知识,落实交际能力,巩固词汇,提高听力、阅读和写作能力的目的。
Unit One1.seeing the doctorLaltguage Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)2.A heathy dietLanguage Point(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)3.Going to a fitness campLanguage Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)Unit Two1.What’s your mother like?Language Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)2.What do you want to be?Language Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)3.A famous personLanguage Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)Unit Tltree1.School art festivalLanguage Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)综合练习)2.Sports Day(语言点)句型)结构)综合练习)3.The World Guo语言点)句型)结构)综合练习)Unit Four1.ComputersLanguage Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)2.RobotsLanguage Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)3.Household appliancesLsilgusge Points(语言点)Sentence Patterns(句型)Structure(结构)General Exercises(综合练习)Mid-term ExaminationFinal ExaminationKey
It was late, an old woman was sitting by the street. She looked upset. Just then came a PLA man. "Good afternoon, Granny," said the man with asmile on his face. "Excuse me, but whats the matter? Can I help you?" "I came to this city only last week and I dont know the city very well. This af-ternoon my grandson took me to a park, but in the zoo, we lost each other. I waitedand waited at the gate until the park was closed, but still didnt see my grandsoncome out. So I had to go home by myself. " "Dont worry, Granny," said the young man, "now tell me where you arestaying, OK?" "Im staying with my sons family. My son is a teacher in No. I Middle School,and they live in the school. " "No. 1 Middle School? Good. Thats not far. And Im going the same way. Letswalk there together. " "Really? Thats very kind of you. " So they walked together. I-l all an hour later they found the school. When theold woman got home, the whole family were so happy that they forgot to ask theyoung man to leave his name. He left without their notice. ……