牛津英语词汇与拓展阅读:7年级(下册)弗格森(Rosalind Fergusson)作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐




  1 Travel2 Protecting our envi ronment3 our senses4 Electricity5 P0ems about life6 Water7 Foods and drinks8 Encyclopaedia9 The media10 TransportAnswer Key


  1 means of transport交通工具  A means is a method or Way of doing something.A means of transport is something such as a plane,train,bus,car or ship that you travel on or in.The word means has the same form in the singular and plural.  ·The only means oftransport on the island is a horse and cart.  ·Planes are the mostpopular means oftransportforpeople who travel long distances. 2 delay v.延迟,推迟  When something is delayed,it is made to happen at a later time.  ·The bus was delayedby a trafficjam.  ·The letter was delayedthree days by the train accident.  3 due to由于  If something is due to something else,the second thing makes the first thing happen.  ·Most ofthese mistakes are due to carelessness.  ·The shortage offlour is due to the failure ofthe wheat crop.  4 board V.上飞机(或火车、船等)  To board a plane is to get on it,usual ly as a passenger.  ·One ofthe flighf attendants greeted US as we boardedthe plane.  ·A police officer boardedthe plane to arrest the suspected thief.  5 turbulence n.(空气和水的)湍流,涡流  Sometimes there is turbulence ia the air that a plane flies through.It makes the plane move up and down sudden ly.  ·We had a very smooth flight.There was no turbulence.  ·The plane hit some turbulencejust as l was pouring my drink.  6 flight attendant n.(客机的)乘务员  The job of a flight attendant is looking after the passengers on a plane.A flight attendant is also cal led a steward(male)or stewardess(female).  ·My sister is training to become a flight attendant  ·Joe asked the flight attendantfor a drink ofwater.