



  作者:(美国)罗力格(Jon Loeliger)罗力格,是一位自由职业的软件工程师,致力于Linux、U-Boot和Git等开源项目。他曾在Linux World等诸多会议上公开讲授Git,还为《Linux Magazine》撰写过数篇关于Git的文章。


  Preface1.Introduction Background The Birth of Git Precedents Time Line Whats in a Name?2.Installing Git Using Linux Binary Distributions
  Other Binary Distributions Obtaining a Source Release Building and Installing Installing Git on Windows
  Installing the Cygwin Git Package
  Installing Standalone Git (msysGit)3.Getting Started The Git Command Line Quick Introduction to Using Git
  Creating an Initial Repository
  Adding a File to Your Repository
  Configuring the Commit Author
  Making Another Commit
  Viewing Your Commits
  Viewing Commit Differences
  Removing and Renaming Files in Your Repository
  Making a Copy of Your Repository Configuration Files.
  Configuring an Alias Inquiry4.Basic Git Concepts Basic Concepts
  Git Object Types
  Content-Addressable Names
  Git Tracks Content
  Pathname Versus Content Object Store Pictures Git Concepts at Work
  Inside the .git directory
  Objects, Hashes, and Blobs
  Files and Trees
  A Note on Gits Use of SHA1
  Tree Hierarchies
  Tags5.File Management and the Index Its All About the Index File Classifications in Git Using git add Some Notes on Using git commit
  Using git commit --all
  Writing Commit Log Messages Using git rm Using git mv A Note on Tracking Renames The .gitignore File A Detailed View of Gits Object Model and Files6.Commits Atomic Changesets Identifying Commits
  Absolute Commit Names
  refs and symrefs
  Relative Commit Names Commit History
  Viewing Old Commits
  Commit Graphs
  Commit Ranges ……7.Branches8.Diffs9.Merges10.Altering Commits11.Remote Repositories12.Repository Management13.Patches14.Hooks15.Combining Projects16.Using Git with Subversion Repositorieslndex


  插图:Its important to see Git as something more than a version control system: Git is acontent tracking system. This distinction, however subtle, guides much of the design ofGit and is perhaps the key reason Git can perform internal data manipulations withrelative ease. Yet this is also perhaps one of the most difficult concepts for new usersof Git to grasp, so some exposition is worthwhile.Gits content tracking is manifested in two critical ways that differ fundamentally fromalmost all other* revision control systems.First, Gits object store is based on the hashed computation of the contents of its objects,not on the file or directory names from the users original file layout. Thus, when Gitplaces a file into the object store, it does so based on the hash of the data and not onthe name of the file. In fact, Git does not track file or directory names, which are asso-ciated with files in secondary ways. Again, Git tracks content instead of files.If two separate files located in two different directories have exactly the same content,Git stores a sole copy of that content as a blob within the object store. Git computesthe hash code of each file according solely to its content, determines that the files havethe same SHA1 values and thus the same content, and places the blob object in theobject store indexed by that SHA1 value. Both files in the project, regardless of wherethey are located in the users directory structure, use that same object for content.If one of those files changes, Git computes a new SHA1 for it, determines that it is nowa different blob object, and adds the new blob to the object store. The original blobremains in the object store for the unchanged file to use.Second, Gits internal database efficiently stores every version of every file——not theirdifferences——as files go from one revision to the next. Because Git uses the hash of afiles complete content as the name for that file, it must operate on each complete copyof the file. It cannot base its work or its object store entries on only part of the filescontent, nor on the differences between two revisions of that file.


   ——Don Marti 编辑、记者以及会议主席

