



  作者:(古希腊)伊索 译者:(美国)奥莉维亚·坦普尔(Temple.O.) (美国)罗伯特·坦普尔(Temple.R.) 李汝仪 等



  英译者前言1 The Good Things and the Bad Things/好事和坏事/2 The Man Selling a Holy Statue/卖神像的人/3 The Eagle and the Fox/鹰和狐狸/4 The Eagle and the Scarab Beetle/鹰和屎壳郎/5 The Eagle/the Jackdaw and the Shepherd/鹰、穴鸟和牧人/6 The Eagle with Clipped Wings and the Fox/鹰和狐狸/7 The Eagle Hit by an Arrow/中箭的鹰/8 The Nightingale and the Hawk/夜莺和鹰/9 The Nightingale and the Swallow/夜莺和燕子/10 The Athenian Debtor/雅典的欠债人/11 The Ethiopian/黑人/12 The Cat and the Cock/猫和公鸡/13 The Cat and the Mice/猫和鼠/14 The Cat and the Hens/猫和鸡/15 The Goat and the Goatherd/山羊和牧人/16 The Goat and the Donkey/山羊和驴/17 The Goatherd and the Wild Goats/牧人和野山羊/18 The Ugly Slave Girl and Aphrodite/丑陋的女奴和阿佛洛狄特/19 Aesop in a Dockyard/伊索在造船坊/20 The Two Cocks and the Eagle/公鸡和鹰/21 The Cocks and the Partridge/公鸡和山鹑/22 The Fishermen and the Tunny.fish/渔夫和金枪鱼/23 The Fishermen Who Caught a Stone/渔夫们/24 The Fishermen Who Played the Flute/吹笛的渔夫/25 The Fishermen and the Large and Small Fish/渔夫和大鱼、小鱼/26 The Fishermen and the Picarel/渔夫和小狗鱼/27 The Fishermen Who Beat the Water/渔夫/28 The Halcyon/神翠鸟/29 The Foxes on the Bank of the Maeander River/米安德河边的狐狸30 The Fox with a Swollen Stomach/肚胀的狐狸/31 The Fox and the Bramble/狐狸和刺藤/32 The Fox and the Bunch ofGrapes/狐狸和葡萄33 The Fox and the Huge Serpent Drakn/狐狸和巨蟒/34 The Fox and the Woodcuaeff狐狸和伐木人/35 The Fox and the Crocodile/狐狸和鳄鱼/36 111e Fox and the Dog/狐狸和狗/37 The Fox and the Leopard/狐狸和豹/38 The Fox and the Monkey Elected King/狐狸和猴子/39 The Fox and the Monkey Dispute Their Nobility/狐狸和猴子/40 The Fox and the Billy-Goat/狐狸和公山羊41 The Fox with the Cropped Tail/断了尾巴的狐狸/42 111eFoxWhoHadNeverSeen aLion/从未见过狮子的狐狸/43 The Fox and the Monster Mask/狐狸和面具/44 The Two Men Who Quarrelled about the Gods/两个为神争名位的人/45 The Murderer/杀人凶手/46 The Man Who Promised the Impossible/凭空许愿的人/47 The Coward and the Ravens/懦夫和大鸦/48 The Man Bitten by an Ant/and Hermes/被蚂蚁咬了的人和赫耳墨斯/49 The Husband and the Troublesome Wife/丈夫和妻子/50 The Mischievous Man/惹事生非的人/51 The Braggart/自吹自擂的人/52 The Middle.aged Man and His Mistresses/中年男子和他的两个情妇/53 The Shipwrecked Man/遭受海难的人/54 The Blind Man/盲人/55 The Cheat/说谎的人/56 The Charcoal Burner and the Fuller/烧炭人和漂洗工/57 The Men and Zeus/人和宙斯/58 The Man and the Fox/人和狐狸/59 The Man and the Lion Travelling Together/人和狮子/60 The Man and the Satyr/人和羊人/61 The Man Who Shattered a Statue ofa God/毁坏神像的人/62 The Man Who Found a Golden Lion/发现金狮子的人/63 The Bear and the Fox/熊和狐狸/64 The Ploughman and the Wolf/农夫和狼/65 The Astronomer/星学家/66 The Frogs Who Demanded a King/青蛙吁求国王/67 The Neighbour Frogs/两只青蛙/68 The Frogs in the Pond/池塘里的青蛙/69 The Frog Doctor and the Fox/青蛙医生和狐狸/70 The Oxen and the Axle/牛和车轴/71 The Three Oxen and the Lion/三头公牛和一只狮子/72 The Ox-driver and Herakles/牧牛人和赫拉克勒斯/73 The North Wind and the Sun/北风和太阳/74 The Cowherd and the Lion/牧牛人和狮子/75 The Linnet and the Bat/红雀和蝙蝠/76 The House-ferret and Aphrodite/黄鼠狼和阿佛洛狄特/77 The House-ferret and the File/黄鼠狼和锉刀/78 The Old Man and Death/老人和死神/79 The Ploughman and the Eagle/农夫和鹰/80 The Ploughman and the Dog/农夫和狗/81 The Ploughman and the Snake Who Had Killed His Son/农夫和咬死他儿子的蛇/82 The Ploughman and the Frozen Snake/农夫和冻僵的蛇/83 The Farmer and His Children/农夫和他的孩子们/84 The Ploughman and Chance/农夫和时运女神/85 The Ploughman and the Tree/农夫和树/86 The Ploughman’s Quarrelsome Sons/农夫的孩子们/87 The Old Woman and the Doctor/老妇和医生/88 The Wife and Her Drunken Husband/女人和酒鬼丈夫/89 The Woman and Her Servants/寡妇和女奴/90 Tlle Woman and the Hen/寡妇和母鸡/91 The Sorceress/女巫/92 The Heifer and the Ox/小牛和公牛/93 The Cowardly Hunter and the Woodcutter/胆小的猎手和伐木人/……中译者后记


  本则寓言意谓:勿为新交过于亲善之举所惑而怠慢故交,须知新交不念旧情,旋即复与他人缔结友谊,奉彼等若上宾,弃吾辈如敝屣。18 The Ugly Slave Girl and AphroditeA m aster was in love with an ugly and ill-natured slave girl.With themoney that he gave her,she adorned herself wim sparkling ornaments andrivalled her own mistress.She made continual sacrifices to Aphrodite,goddess of love,and beseeched her to make her beautiful.But Aphroditeappearedtothe slaveinadreamand saidtoher:‘I dont want to make you beautiful,because I am angry with this man forthinking that you already are.’Thus,one must not becoFDe blinded by pride when one is enr/ched byshamefulmeans,especiallywhen oneiso[10wbirth andwithoutbeauty.
  由此可见,恃卑劣伎俩陡然致富者切忌盲目自大,出身低微且又貌寝之辈尤当引以为戒。19 Aesop in a DockyardOne day,Aesop the fable-teller,having some time to spare,went to adockyard.The workmen teased him and provoked him to reply.So he saidtothem:In the begning there was only chaos and water.But Zeus,wantinganother element,the earth,to appear,required it to swallow the sea threetiines.The earth set to work and swallowed once,resulting in the mountains.



