

  英文版纺丝原理是中文版纺丝原理的姐妹书,是为适应高等教育对专业课“双语”教学的需要。  本书的作者在美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学纺织学院学习和工作时,参考了美国、英国、德国、印度等有关书籍,加之自己的教学积累,综合编写而成。  本书可供高等院校纺织工程专业的学生和教师“双语”教学以及纺织科技人员学习和参考用。


  Chapter 1 Yarn Definition and General Consideration 1.1 Yarn, Thread and Classification  1.1.1 Definition of yarn  1.1.2 Classification of yarns  1.1.3 Yarn description 1.2 Systems of Yarn Manufacturing 1.2.1 Systems of yarn manufacturing 1.2.2 Methods of spinning 1.2.3 Generalization of spinning processes 1.3 Theoretical Aspects of Yarn ManufacturingChapter 2 Fiber Assemblies and their Characteristics 2.1 Fiber Assemblies 2.2 Porousity of Fiber Assembly 2.3 Frictional Property of Fiber AssembliesChapter 3 Fiber Preparation and Selection 3.1 Extraction of Fibrous Materials 3.2 Degumming for Bast Fibers and Silk 3.3 Scouring and Carbonizing for Wool  3.3.1 Scouring  3.3.2 Drying  3.3.3 Carbonizing 3.4 Selection of Fiber MaterialsChapter 4 Fiber Blending 4.1 Purposes of Blending 4.2 Fiber Distribution in Blended Yarns 4.2.1 Random fiber distribution and the occurrence of clusters 4.2.2 Nonuniform fiber distributions in yarn sections 4.3 Tensile Properties of Blended YarnsChapter 5 Opening, Cleaning and Blending 5.1 Methods and Practices of Opening  5.1.1 Opening by picking and pulling, large mass to small tufts  5.1.2 Opening by beaters, roll feed  5.1.3 Opening by beaters, loose stock feed  5.1.4 Opening by carding  5.1.5 Summary of opening principle 5.2 Theories and Practices of Cleaning  5.2.1 Any opening action cleans  5.2.2 Cleaning by centrifugal force  5.2.3 Cleaning by a beater driving fibers over open grid bars or screens  5.2.4 Cleaning by air suction drawing stock over grid surfaces, fingers, or open plates  5.2.5 Cleaning through selective separation by streamline air flotation  5.2.6 Cleaning by air suction against rotating screens 5.3 Methods and Practices of Blending  5.3.1 Hand-stock blending  5.3.2 Bin blending  5.3.3 Lap blending  5.3.4 Blending practices 5.4 Opening and Blending Machines  5.4.1 Blending hopper bale opener  5.4.2 Blending opener with opening unit  5.4.3 Reciprocating bale opener  5.4.4 Multimixer and Aero-mixer 5.5 Opening and Cleaning Machines  ……Chapter 6 CardingChapter 7 Roller DraftingChapter 8 TwistingChapter 9 WindingChapter 10 Yarn Ballon and Tension in Ring SpinningChapter 11 Problems in New Spinning and its DevlopmentsChapter 12 Production and Quality ControlReferences

