透视兰尼•索曼斯(英汉对照) (精装)陈放 编作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐


  近四十年来,兰尼·索曼斯已在平面设计的世界舞台上确立了声誉,在这个领域里他是最重要的设计师之一,也是美国最受尊敬的平面设计教育家之一。同时他还是著名国际平面设计协会AGI的会员。 索曼斯的作品已在世界各地许多博物馆展出,其中包括华盛顿特区的美国国会图书馆、旧金山现代艺术博物馆、德国柏林德意志历史博物馆、日本富山现代艺术博物馆、中国香港文化博物馆、法国巴黎国家图书馆、比利时蒙斯艺术中心以及波兰华沙海报博物馆等。 他获得过许多奖项,其中包括墨西哥国际海报双年展金奖、俄罗斯莫斯科平面设计双年展金蜂奖、保加利亚索菲亚国际戏剧海报三年展金奖以及一项科罗拉多国际海报邀请双年展的最高奖。 他和妻子(同时也是设计伙伴)克莉斯汀一道经营着一个获奖的设计工作室——索曼斯设计。他们的设计作品已发表在数以百计的设计范例书籍之中,《图形》、《意念》、《传达艺术》、《设计步骤》以及《新平面设计》杂志都分别专题介绍过他们的设计作品。此外,他的作品也包括在《平面设计史》(第一版和第二版)以及中国出版的“当代世界大师设计意念丛书”之中,题为《意念的创造:兰尼·索曼斯》。






  插图:Some students thrived in this environment, others just barelyheld on, but here is the truth: everyone I saw who entered theprogram and stuck with it emerged a better designer. Lannywould evaluate each students level of abil.ity and judge the workaccordingly. If routinely weak students real.l.y busted their buttsand made a breakthrough, theyd be praised, even if the resu!.tsneeded a lot more work. Conversely, if he sensed that one of theclass"stars" was obviousty coasting, he was merciless. I don thinkhis criticisms would have had as much sting if he were a meretheorist. He was not. Lanny ran a thriving one-man design studioout of his omce, and he would entist seniors as apprentices onvarious projects in a program called the Practicum. This allowedus to put ideas formed in class to the test o1: actual c!.ients. It wasan eye-opening laboratory that showed us what we were to be upagainst when we left, and how to get chalJenging ideas approved.And they were——Lannys work had already been featured inCommunication Arts, Print and Idea magazines.Added to this was his love of silkscreening posters. Even thenLannys reputation as a world-renowned poster maker was wellestabtished. He had fallen under the spelt of the Potish circusposter movement o1: the sixties, and applied that styles.


  “兰尼•索曼斯的插图不刺激视网膜,却具有振聋发聩的力量,足以撼动和颠覆当代人所持有的根深蒂固的常识的各个方面。”   ——福田繁雄 “兰尼•索曼斯的海报具有展示他自己感觉的特质,与此同时又易于为观众所理解。……它们是令人信服的,准确的基调恰到好处地昭示了海报设计的目的。   ——西莫•切瓦斯赫

