《人间值得 黄孝阳 北京十月文艺出版社 9787530219904》











This novels surface is patricide. It is anger. Its not the Oedipus complex at work, but rather: "father" is the source. In order to move forward, one needs the courage to let the previous wave crash onto the beach. Only then can there be a future surging with the vastness of the universe. Living in the shadow of "father" is like living in a black hole on the surface of the earth. This kind of "living," no matter how fancy their watches, how large their homes, or how seemingly overflowing their inner happiness, I see no difference between them and zombies. There needs to be negation. The most basic negation in philosophy is patricide.

But this novel is not just about patricide. There are too many books like that, and the library is already overflowing. This includes anti-utopian novels like 1984, which are just repetitive expressions of the prototype and related routines of patricide. Patricide is nothing special; a middle finger of anger or a V-shaped hand gesture will do. After patricide, the milk tiger who makes all beasts tremble turns into an annoying big tiger with the word "king" on its forehead. I dont like this cliché of a hero transforming into a dragon.

More importantly, I think the so-called 5,000-year history of civilization has been under the gaze of father. Like a pendulum, it has already reached its apex. I think its time for the pendulum to swing to the other side. With mental power replacing physical power, women will rise, dominate, and build a new social structure. They will become the foundation of the new structure, the maker of new rules, the elucidator of new laws, and the defender of a new order. The female features defined as the "second sex" will be abandoned. The definition of what it means to be a woman will be rewritten. They will become a new species, just like the still-cocooning Ju Xuan in the novel. She is the hope.

I am willing to bless them. Thats why the male protagonist chose willingly.

Ninety-nine percent of this novels content is male-oriented, like an expanding soap bubble or the expanding universe that makes people despair. Then theres that 1% of content, which is a hymn to women, like a needle piercing through it. I like that feeling.

This novel is also a story of a villains evolution (which includes abandoning evil and returning to goodness) and a history of self-awareness anxiety. He is a bad person, a person who climbs up from the bottom by any means necessary, a person who does immoral things without any sense of propriety, a person who deletes morality from the dictionary of life, a person who is ruthless and disregardful of others feelings... There are too many evil deeds to list. However, his lifes willpower and energy are large enough for him to howl like a wolf under the moonlight. He eventually realizes that what he truly desires is not a career (money) or love (beauty), but this sound of "howling"!

Ive read a plethora of books, and I have lived for forty-five years, becoming increasingly aware of a problem: humanitys light may lie within that howl, independent of good or evil.

Of course, hateful people also have their pitiable aspects. This pity is what they dont want others to see, cannot be seen. As for this "anxiety of self-awareness," its a common problem in our modern, flowing society. The forty years of reform and opening up in China have seen too many cliffs and waterfalls, and too many transformations. The old world continuously disappears. In this new reality constructed by instrumental rationality, people must face the ancient question of "who am I, where do I come from, and where am I going" and find a solution.

This novel is also a story about a man and seven women (it does sound a bit tacky to put it that way). Seven women, seven metaphorical layers, seven doors, and seven ways to illuminate. Together, they constitute the "one and only truth," create numerous ups and downs within the limited and fleeting length of life, and form the "seven stages of life." Its a beginning, a distortion and growth, singing and fighting at the climax, and unavoidable withering. I like the number seven. A week consists of seven days, and its a cycle of time that repeats itself. "Yin and yang plus five elements" is Chinese peoples understanding of the universe. Of course, there are also seven deadly sins: greed, pride, lust, envy, laziness, suspicion, and wrath. The seven deadly sins are not mans fault; each person has their own true essence lurking within. The corresponding virtues are: desire, confidence, sexual desire, initiative, tranquility, curiosity, and strength.


黄孝阳男,人间值得,74年生,《睡觉 梁冬 上海科技文献出版社 9787543982246》,江西抚州人,写作者,现居南京。我是我于午夜时刻,在梦境深处建构的一个人格,一次奇遇,一堆碎片;是一个生命及已被其所遗忘的所有细枝末节,是这些细枝末节在内心所激起的复杂神秘的回响,《人间值得 黄孝阳 北京十月文艺出版社 9787530219904》,是这个回响从那个生命体大脑内的逃脱;是意义与形式,怪圈与缠绕的结构,晦涩不明的图案与夺人眼目的装饰花纹;是巴赫某支未完成的对位乐曲,是哥德尔的自指命题与悖论,《窄门 法文直译全新版》,是埃舍尔笔下那两只绘出彼此的手;是所有事物在无尽时空里简明清晰或含糊紊乱的所有联系……我是我的敌人,人间值得,是概率的产物,是一切人类经验的总和。(见《众生:迷宫》)黄孝阳作品长篇小说《人间值得》《众生:迷宫》《众生:设计师》《旅人书》《乱世》《人间世》《遗失在光阴之外》《时代三部曲》《阿槑冒险记》《网人》《少年》小说集《我永远忘不掉那个夜晚》《是谁杀死了我》《说说爱情...