英文原版 Pull-Back-And-Go Construction Vehicles 亲子互动游戏玩具 附赠6辆回力工程车-图书推荐

装 帧:盒装

作 者:Hinkler

开 本:27.3*29.5CM

页 数:32页

语 言:英语

IS BN:9781488934902


英文原版 Pull-Back-And-Go Construction Vehicles 亲子互动游戏玩具 附赠6辆回力工程车




There’s hours of fun to be had with the Pull-back-and-go Construction Vehicles Activity Set!

First, piece the construction-site jigsaw together to create a big play mat. Then, get out your six cars, set them up on the mat, pull them back and watch them go! You can also add to your world with press-out characters and items such as traffic cones and barriers that you can place around the work site.

When you’re done, grab the colouring and activity book and complete the fun construction-themed activities while you read along with the story!


英文原版 Pull-Back-And-Go Construction Vehicles 亲子互动游戏玩具 附赠6辆回力工程车


英文原版 Pull-Back-And-Go Construction Vehicles 亲子互动游戏玩具 附赠6辆回力工程车


英文原版 Pull-Back-And-Go Construction Vehicles 亲子互动游戏玩具 附赠6辆回力工程车

英文原版 Pull-Back-And-Go Construction Vehicles 亲子互动游戏玩具 附赠6辆回力工程车

卖贝商城 推荐:英文原版 Pull-Back-And-Go Construction Vehicles 亲子互动游戏玩具 附赠6辆回力工程车