英文原版绘本 Ice Bear 小学STEM百科科普图画书 Walker Nature Story-图书推荐

装 帧:盒装

作 者:Nick Dowson

绘 者:Nick Dowson

开 本:25.4 x 23.2CM

页 数:约32页

语 言:英语

IS BN:9781406364644


英文原版绘本 Ice Bear 小学STEM百科科普图画书 Walker Nature Story




3、Academic 单词反复出现,让孩子在重复、熟悉中积累

An informative, gorgeously illustrated study of the majestic polar bear. Huge, magnificent, alone, a white bear moves through the frozen Arctic. Powerful hunter, tender mother and gentle playmate – she shares this land of ice and snow with the Inuit people, who watch and learn from her. Come on an unforgettable journey into the world of the polar bear... Containing accurate information suitable for classroom projects and activities, this emotive, atmospheric picture book brings the icy grandeur of the Arctic to life.

内页图:英文原版绘本 Ice Bear 小学STEM百科科普图画书 Walker Nature Story

英文原版绘本 Ice Bear 小学STEM百科科普图画书 Walker Nature Story

英文原版绘本 Ice Bear 小学STEM百科科普图画书 Walker Nature Story

卖贝商城 推荐:英文原版绘本 Ice Bear 小学STEM百科科普图画书 Walker Nature Story