General Preface Preface Acknowledgements PART Ⅰ Essay The State Hermitage 250th Anniversary The Production and Technical Aspects of Damask on Plain Weave in Silk Found in Dunhuang The Painted Patterns on the Banner Streamers from Dunhuang Clamp-resist Dyed Textiles withAnimal Motifs Unearthed from the Silk Road PART Ⅱ Catelogue 1.Banners 2.Sutra Wrappers 3.Woven Silk 4.Dyed,Painted and Embroidered Silk PART Ⅲ Complete List The State Hermitage Museum PART Ⅳ Appendix 1.Chinese Glossary 2.Bibliography 3.List of Dunhuang Documents 4.Chronology of Chinese History 5.Index 6.Credits