【团购优惠】新世纪研究生公共英语教材 听说 学生用书上册 第二版(附mp3) 新世纪研究生公共英语听力教材听说 研究生英语听说教程-图书推荐

书名 新世纪研究生公共英语教材 听说(上册)学生用书 第二版
外文书名 Listening and Speaking(Second Edition) 出版社 上海外语教育出版社
出版时间 第2版 (2012年5月1日) 印刷时间
页数 143页 商品尺寸: 25.4 x 18.2 x 0.6 cm
ISBN 9787544627931 开本 16开
包装 重量 120g
语种 英语 定价 26.00元


【团购优惠】新世纪研究生公共英语教材 听说 学生用书上册 第二版(附mp3) 新世纪研究生公共英语听力教材听说 研究生英语听说教程【团购优惠】新世纪研究生公共英语教材 听说 学生用书上册 第二版(附mp3) 新世纪研究生公共英语听力教材听说 研究生英语听说教程【团购优惠】新世纪研究生公共英语教材 听说 学生用书上册 第二版(附mp3) 新世纪研究生公共英语听力教材听说 研究生英语听说教程


Lesson One Music

PART A Getting Started: Short Conversations

PART B IntensiveListening: Music

Passage I American Music

Passage II Music in Different Cultures

Passage III Jazz

PART C Speaking

PART D Extensive Listening: The Path to Power

PART E Listening for Pleasure: Pop Songs

You"re the One

Lesson Two Holidays

PART A Getting Started: Short Conversations

PART B Intensive Listening: Holidays

Passage I Holidays in Britain and the US

Passagell Welcoming the New Year

Passage III The Spring Festival

PART C Speaking

PART D Extensive Listening: Hillary - A "Woman Wronged"?

PART E Listening for Pleasure: Pop Songs


Lesson Three Eeonom

PART A Getting Started: Short Conversations

PART B Intensive Listening: Economy

Passage I World Trade Organization (WTO)

Passage II President Jiang Zemin Highlights "New Economy"in APEC Address

Passage III The American Economic System

PART C Speaking

PART D Extensive Listening: Bush"s Victory Speech

PART E Listening for Pleasure: Pop Songs

Save Me

Lesson Four Education

PART A Getting Started: Short Conversations

PART B IntensiveListening: Education

Passage I Higher Education in the United States

Passage II Educationin Canada

Passagelll AdultEducation

PART C Speaking

PART D Extensive Listening: A Commencement Address of HarvardUniversity

PART E Listening for Pleasure: Pop Songs

My Heart Will Go On

Lesson Five Life on Cormpus

PART A Getting Started: Short Conversations

PART B Intensive Listening: Life on Campus

Passage I Housing Options in the United States

Passage II Living on Campus

Passagelll Academic Levels and Credits

PART C Speaking

PART D Extensive Listening: Tips on Giving a Public Spee

PART E Listening for Pleasure: Pop Songs

Baby One More Time

Lesson Six Animals

PART A Getting Started: Short Conversations

PART B Intensive Listening: Animals

Passage I The Sound of Birds

Passage II Fun Facts about Giant Pandas

Passage III Hummingbirds

PART C Speaking

PART D Extensive Listening: Resignation of Richard Nixo

PART E Listening for Pleasure: Pop Songs

Oops ! I Did It Again

Lesson Seven Health

PART A Getting Started: Short Conversations

PART B IntensiveListening: Hea

Passage I Art in Hospitals.

Passage II Medicinein Britain and America

Passage III Smoking

PART C Speaking

PART D Extensive Listening: Two American States

PART E Listening for Pleasure: Pop Songs

Born to Make You Happy

Lesson Eight Youth

Lesson Nine Foods

Lesson Ten Introdueing Foreign Universities

Lesson Eleven Customs

Lesson Twelve Sports

Lesson Thirteen Environmental Protection

Lesson Fourteen Entertoinment

Lesson Fifteen Transportation



卖贝商城 推荐:【团购优惠】新世纪研究生公共英语教材 听说 学生用书上册 第二版(附mp3) 新世纪研究生公共英语听力教材听说 研究生英语听说教程