王为忠主编的《英语分级阅读步步高(6下2级)》系紧扣英语课程标准各分级要求,选择适合学生实际水平的阅读材料。选文题材广泛,涉及中小学生感兴趣的 外经典名著、侦探小说、科幻小说、神话、传说、寓言故事以及各类感人的故事,并且具有丰富的“中国元素”,使得阅读生动、有趣。文章作者均为具有英语背景并富有英语教学经验的老师,他们对内容和文字的把握精准到位,语言符合地道英语的表述习惯,原汁原味,达到延伸课堂教学的目的。同时,经过 具有丰富教学经验的一线 教师的精心编制,从而保证图书 加适合中国学生的阅读学习。
1 Name Things
2 Insects
3 Helpful Insects
4 Present Simple 3rd Person
5 Describe People
6 All about Annie
7 Kinds of Monsters
8 Make Definitions
9 Present Continuous Tense
10 Present Tense
11 Haunted House
12 A Lifeguard
13 Did You Find?
14 Comparatives
15 More about Comparatives
16 My Holiday
17 Don“t Be Sad!
18 Grammar Revision
19 Lend and Borrow
20 Talk about the Future
21 Prepositions
22 How to Talk about the Future (Ⅰ)
23 How to Talk about the Future (Ⅱ)
24 Tornado in a Bottle
25 A Letter to Santa
26 Snowman Riddles
27 Spot the Differences
28 Earth Day
29 Romantic Hearts
30 Hurray, Thanksgiving Is Coming
31 Giant Panda Bears
32 What a Great Christmas I Had!
33 The Best of Weekends? Really!!!
34 King Arthur
35 Happy St. Patrick“s Day!
36 William Shakespeare
37 Halloween
38 Penguins
39 Thomas Edison
40 Happy Labour Day!
41 Beowulf
42 The Earth and the Sun
43 Bunny and the Big Bad Wolf