备考2022 冲击波英语专四专八考试 英语专业8级写作-图书推荐
英文写作涉及两方面的知识储备:写什么(内容);怎样写(方法)。 应试写作还要加上一条:怎样写更好(考试要求和评分标准)。 为帮助考生解决以上三个问题,本书分三部分进行: 1、专八写作应试指南(攻略篇):全面详解专八写作题型大纲要求、评分标 准、写作策略及备考要点等,以便考生做到有的放矢。 2、专八写作知识储备(基础篇):紧扣专八写作评分标准,从内容阐释、篇章 结构和语言运用三方面展开,结合近年专八写作真题,对材料概述、个人 观点论述、段落扩展、句式结构以及段落衔接做了详细分析,以便考生查 缺补漏。 3、专八作文80篇(实战篇):精选专八写作常考的七大主题,基本囊括考试 涉及的各类话题,帮助考生熟悉相关话题,在内容(论点)和语言(词汇、句 式、篇章衔接手段)两方面做好储备。
邹申:上海外国语大学英语教授,博士生导师,测试专家。教育部高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会委员,英语专业教学分指导委员会副主任委员,高等院校外语专业教学指导委员会测试办公室负责人,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。主要从事外语教学法及语言测试研究,并担任英语专业四、八级考试大纲修订小组组长。所主持的科研项目及主编的教材多次获教研部和上海市教学成果奖。 张艳莉:上海外国语大学教授,博士,硕士生导师。多年来,一直从事英语专业本科与研究生课程教学,多次参与英语专业四、八级考试的阅卷及相关工作。曾参与考试大纲的研究与修订工作。近年来完成教材、论文、教学参考书等多部(篇),参与的科研项目及教材编写两次获上海市教学成果奖。
一. 考试大纲解读…002
二. 评分标准解读…002
三. 写作步骤及策略探究…003
四. 常见问题及备考要点…007
一. 内容阐释…012
二. 篇章结构…023
三. 语言运用…032
1. Should students read the >2. Should we teach history at school? …041
3. Should wearing school uniforms be mandatory?…044
4. Is the preschool crushing kids? …048
5. Homework, a blessing or a curse? …051
6. Should e-books replace print textbooks in schools?…054
7. Who is to blame for the increasing pressure on school kids? …058
8. Standardized tests …061
9. What is the value of higher education? …064
10. Should higher education be career-oriented? …067
11. Should universities ban tourists from entering the campus?…070
12. Will you live alone or with roommates in college?…073
13. Is it worthwhile to study abroad?…077
14. Is a PhD the right option for you?…080
15. College lectures, are they still effective?…083
16. Are college rankings actually conducive to higher education?…086
17. A gap year…090
18. MOOCS…093
19. Apps and study…097
Family Life…100
20. Pros and cons of being a stay-at-home mom…100
21. Pros and cons of paying children to do chores…104
22. Parents and their adult children…107
23. Is marriage an outdated institution?…110
24. Is pet cloning a sensible decision for its owners?…113
25. Is naked marriage acceptable?…116
Technology & Economy…119
26. Is technology creating a family pide?…119
27. Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?…123
28. Genetic engineering…126
29. Genetic talent tests…129
30. Kids — look up from your screen…133
31. Should we censor the Internet?…136
32. Machine translation and language persity…139
33. Cross-border e-commerce…143
34. Is this the end of brick-and-mortar? …146
35. Sharing economy…150
36. AI and job prospect…153
Social Issues…157
37. Ice bucket challenge (※2016年真题)…157
38. Aiming for perfection…160
39. The impact of consumption (※2019年真题)…164
40. Dating Shows…167
41. Music talent shows…171
42. Is social networking service psychologically beneficial?…174
43. Cashless society…177
44. “Praise” chat groups…180
45. Giving seats to the elderly…183
46. Neets…186
47. House for pension…189
48. Should we lower the age of criminal responsibility?…193
49. Sending aging parents to the nursing home…196
50. Do celebrities deserve high pay?…199
51. Do celebrities deserve privacy?…203
52. Should crowdfunding be promoted for help with medical causes?…206
53. Should we ban eating and drinking on the subway?…210
Culture & Environment…213
54. Nature or nurture…213
55. Should we protect local dialects?…216
56. Should corporal punishment be used on children?…220
57. The prospects of physical bookstores…223
58. Should music be free?…226
59. Should we celebrate western festivals?…230
60. Should we preserve old buildings?…233
61. Will TikTok do more good than harm to its users?…236
62. The trend of feminine-looking male celebrities on media…239
63. Should Mount Everest be closed to climbers forever?…243
64. Who shoulders the chief responsibility in protecting the
65. Should euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide be legal?…250
66. Should animal testing be banned?…253
67. Should zoos exist?…255
68. Should surrogacy be legalized in China?…258
69. Should the rich donate most of their wealth to charities?…262
70. Job hopping…265
71. A big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big one?…269
72. Job loyalty and security…272
73. Generalists or specialists…275
74. Team spirit vs. inpidualism…278
75. 996 culture…281
76. Is entrepreneurship a good choice for fresh graduates?…284
77. Dress code in the workplace: necessary or needless?…287
78. First-tier cities or not?…291
79. Similarity vs. inpiduality…294
80. Ambition and happiness…297