主编:李静纯 研究员,编审,《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》修订组核心成员,主要研究领域为课程设计、语言测试、课堂教学设计等。 王 芳 北京市西城区教育研修学院小学部英语室主任,中学高级教师,全国中小学外语教师名师。
[Self-esteem]1. The Birthday Wish of Little Lamb1
[Self-esteem]2. A Fox and His Shadow3
[Self-esteem]3. The Peacock and the Crane5
[Self-esteem]4. The Two Wolves7
[Self-esteem]5. The Checkers9
[Self-esteem]6. An Old Pia***1
[Self-discipline]7. Mr Harvey13
[Self-discipline]8. A Man Has Two Bags15
[Self-discipline]9. The Tiger and the Bear17
[Self-discipline]10. Thank You!19
[Self-discipline]11. Excuse Me?21
[Self-discipline]12. They Stand by the Road23
[Self-discipline]13. The Door Is Open25
[Self-discipline]14. Who Is Great?27
[Self-discipline]15. In the Library29
[Self-discipline]16. Ann Is Smart (1)31
[Self-discipline]17.Ann Is Smart (2)33
[Responsibility]18. What Is Wrong with It?35
[Caring]19. Mrs Smith37
[Caring]20. Why Don’t You Like Fish?39
[Caring]21. Story-telling41
[Caring]22. Liu Ming Helps Her43
[Caring]23. The Story of a Little Bird45
[Caring]24. Ann’ s Dolls (1)47
[Caring]25. Ann’ s Dolls (2)49
[Aesthetic]26. Poems51
[Caring]27. Here Is a Seat for You!53
[Friendship]28. My Best Friend Is Sad55
[Friendship]29. The Chopsticks (1)57
[Friendship]30. The Chopsticks (2)59
[Friendship]31. The Fox and the Stork (1)61
[Friendship]32. The Fox and the Stork (2)63
[Friendship]33. A Nice Show (1)65
[Friendship]34. A Nice Show (2)67
[Friendship]35. Let’s Learn to Share69
[Honesty]36. The Miser and His Gold71
[Tenacity]37. Can She Make a Paper Bird? (1)73
[Tenacity]38. Can She Make a Paper Bird? (2)75
[Effort]39. Ann Likes Reading77
[Knowledge]40. The Questions of the Small Camel79
[Knowledge]41. A Seed Grows81
[Knowledge]42. The Couplet83
[Knowledge]43. Red and Blue85
[Knowledge]44. Lily Makes a Plan87
[Knowledge]45. Afternoon Tea89
[Knowledge]46. In the Animal School91
[Knowledge]47. An Ant Finds Some Bread93
[Wisdom]48. Sea Shells and the Snail95
[Wisdom]49. The Chinese Characters (1)97
[Wisdom]50. The Chinese Characters (2)99
[Wisdom]51. The Chinese Characters (3)101
[Wisdom]52. You Need a Pencil103
[Wisdom]53. Let’s Make a Mind-map105
[Wisdom]54. Let’s Draw Together107
[Aesthetic]55. Poems109
卖贝商城 推荐:《英语文化读本(入门级1)/中小学学科文化丛书》(编者:林林//杜衡|总主编:李静纯//王芳|译者:朱晓萌)