高二英语阅读理解与书面表达蒋舒娟,鲍承门 编作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐
《春秋系列:高2英语阅读理解与书面表达(春版)》巩固语言知识与提升语言技能相结合,实现专项训练的功能性突破。春秋系列将本学期中出现的词汇、句型及语法等呈现在每个练习前,同时在练习材料中标明,帮助学生们提高技能的同时,巩固语言知识,实现了专项训练的功能性突破。 《春秋系列:高2英语阅读理解与书面表达(春版)》非常重视学习策略的整合与归纳,旨在帮助同学们更加高效地学习英语。主要体现在“答案与解析”和“语法目标点拨”中。在“答案与解析”中,我们对各类设题方式及相应的解题方式进行剖析、归纳、总结和延伸,让同学们学会怎样去解决实际问题。“语法目标点拨”中,我们从句子的整体结构人手,对句型、句子类型、句子成分进行高屋建瓴地分析,而不是盲人摸象般蜻蜓点水、以偏概全,这就能够很好地帮助同学们形成正确学习和使用英语语言的习惯,潜移默化地养成正确的语言学习方法。
话题 1 个人情况Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 2 学校生活Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 3 人际交往Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 4 日常生活Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 5 个人情感Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 6 旅游与交通Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 7 兴趣与爱好Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 8 文娱与体育Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 9 文学与艺术Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 10 节假日活动Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 11 语言学习Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 12 自然与社会Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 13 世界环境Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 14 科普知识与现代技术Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 15 历史与地理Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读话题 16 你饮食与健康Ⅰ完形集锦Ⅱ话题阅读
Dilma Rousseffis the Latin American countrys first female president. Dilma Rousseff made history on Sunday when she was elected the first female President of Brazil, the largest country in Latin America. "I want to thank all Brazilians" Rousseff remarked, "and I am bound to honor the trust they have shown me." Rousseff will replace President Lula. Lula served two four-year terms. Brazils constitution forbad him from seeking a third consecutive term. Under Lulas leadership, Brazils economy grew. Lula used his popularity to recommend Rousseff, who served as his chief of staff. Within 20 minutes of the announcement of Rousseffs victory, her supporters began streaming onto a main avenue in Sao Paulo, Brazils largest city. Eight years ago, a huge gathering celebrated Lulas win there. "Now we are certain that the country will continue in the right direction," said schoolteacher Hobert dos Santos. "Apparently Dilma will be able to keep it up, to continue improving many of the things that Lula started but didn have time to finish." In her victory speech, Rousseff promised she would keep up ridding the country of poverty, fighting against inequality as well as promoting human rights. Rousseff has a big job ahead of her. Brazil is expected to be the worlds fifth-largest economy by the time it hosts the 2016 Summer Olympics. Rousseff, who will be charged with the tough task of managing the countrys growth, says she is ready to lead and hopes that her victory will empower women across the country. "I hope the fathers and mothers oflittle girls willlook at them and say, ;Yes, women can," said Rousseff. () 1. Why didn Lula continue to serve as President? A. Because the public wouldn support him any more. B. Because the constitution limited him to continue. C. Because Rousseff won more supporters than Lula. D. Because Brazils economy declined under Lulas leadership. () 2. Whats the publics view about Rousseffs taking office? A. They hope Rousseff can change the current situation in Brazil. B. They doubt whether Rousseff can rid the country of poverty. C. They believe Rousseff will continue improving the country. D. They are shocked at Rousseffs taking the place of Lula. ( ) 3. What can be known from the last paragraph? A. The status of women is very high in Brazil. B. Rousseff will empower women across the country. C. The parents in Brazil are all proud of their girls. D. The social position of females is below the males. ( ) 4. Whats the closest meaning to the underlined word "consecutive" in the 4th paragraph? A. Continuous. B. Glorious. C. Cooperative. D. Long-range. ……