英语阅读理解100篇蔡晔 编作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐


  英语课在小学阶段的教学和考试中的地位越来越重要。“英语课程标准”要求小学阶段学生必须完成10万字以上的英语阅读量,阅读技能测试也是各类英语考试的重中之重。因此,为了配合英语课堂教学和满足学生阅读技能训练的需求,我们特组织了一批来自一线的优秀教师,组成了“广外小学英语新课程研究组”,倾力打造一批小学英语辅导书。  《高分突破·英语阅读理解100篇:6年级》以培养学生学习英语的兴趣为首要目标。通过阅读训练和测试,引导学生形成良好的阅读习惯,掌握各种阅读技巧,拓展知识面,轻松达到学习目标。  《高分突破·英语阅读理解100篇:6年级》的阅读短文选材遵循本地区教材及课堂教学特点,题材全面、难易度适中、可读性强,体裁以应用文和记叙文为主,故事生动有趣,而且还附有精美的译文,便于学生对照自学提高。  《高分突破·英语阅读理解100篇:6年级》题型活泼、多样化,囊括了小学升初中考试阅读题的常考题型,将词汇、短语、语法等考点巧妙地融入试题中,引导学生在读中学、读中记、读中练。


  I Like to Be a VolunteerThe Mascots of the Guangzhou 2010 Asian GamesPlease Write to MeThe UniverseThe Changing English WordsMy BedroomI love you, Mom !Jens MumDepartment StoresA Little BirdThe Ass and the GrasshopperAn Old ManEyesKates HomeworkThe Ant and the DoveAlways DickAn Interesting NewspaperMy Fathers HobbyWaterSue Writes a LetterGo CampingWork in a ZooLisa and Her RabbitsVisit Another CountryBus School in MexicoA Clever GirlThe GiraffeThe MiserOn New Years EveIts His FaultAlbert SchweitzerYou Can Do It HereA Travel to the Great WallBuy a Ball for YouThe Weather in EnglandThe Frog That Changes ColourMagical ChangeSaltTelevisionTwo SeedsThe Wolf and the SquirrelIts Your Turn to WhistleThe King and the CriticNo Time to Take It offThe SeaPandas


  People usually hate mice, but one mouse wins thehearts of the people all over the world——the famous MickeyMouse.  More than eighty years ago, mostfilms had no sound. A man named WaltDisney made a cartoon mouse. It couldtalk in his films. He named his mouseMickey Mouse. Soon Mickey-Mousebecame a good friend of both young andold people. Children like to see theirlovely Mickey, because he brings happiness to them.  Mickey is a clean mouse right from the beginning.Perhaps this is why people love Mickey Mouse. In his earlylife, Mickey made some mistakes. People were very angry.They wrote to Disney and said that they did not want Mickeyto do wrong things. As there were some things Mickeycould not do, Disney made a new animal named DonaldDuck. He also made a dog, Pluto. This dog did foolishthings and made mistakes wherever he went. Now ourMickey Mouse is not only clean, but also more interesting.He comes out as a star of beauty and wisdom. He has hisfriends in almost every country.  ……