牛津英语《牛津英语(9年级第1学期)》编写组 编作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐




  CHAPTER 1 Protecting the innocent (p. 3)CHAPTER 2 Computers (p. 18)CHAPTER 3 The night of the horse (p. 35)CHAPTER 4 Fishing with birds (p. 52)CHAPTER 5 Memory (p. 66)CHAPTER 6 Comic strips (p. 82)


  Black tea was invented in China in the Ming Dynasty as a way to keep tea fresh when it was being transported long distances. As tea has to travel a long distance to reach places such as Britain, Canada and Australia, it is not surprising that Westerners drink mostly black tea. However, the majority of the world drinks green tea.  Herbal tea is prepared in the same way as regular tea but is not really tea. This is because it contains herbs, fruits, spices, etc. but no leaves from the Tea Plant. To truly be tea, the leaves must come from this plant. All tea naturally contains caffeine, which comes from the tea leaves. Antioxidants are the properties found in some foods that reduce your risk of getting cancer and heart disease. All regular tea has a lot of antioxidants. Decaffeinated tea is regular tea (usually green or black) that has been processed to remove the caffeine. In recent years, organic tea has become popular, too. This is tea that comes from plants that have been grown without the use of any chemicals. People believe that it tastes better and is healthier, but sometimes it costs more than non-organic tea. This is because the size of the crops is often smaller.

