

  《管理信息系统:网络化企业的组织与技术(第6版影印版)》的主要内容包括五个方面:(1)信息系统的组织基础,主要讲解系统的组织基础与战略作用;(2)信息系统的技术基础,提供了硬件、软件、存储等方面的技术;(3)现代构建信息系统的方法,关注的焦点是使用信息系统对组织进行再设计的过程;(4)管理与组织的支持系统,主要描述信息系统在获取知识、分布组织、增强管理决策等方面的作用;(5)现代信息系统的管理,包括安全保护、控制和全球系统的发展等内容。书中除延续了前五版的优点外,还增加了许多新的特色。其中以企业资源计划(ERP)、Internet、电子贸易和电子商业的内容贯穿全书,并以美国的100多家企业和加拿大、欧洲、澳大利亚、亚洲、非洲的100个组织为实例,实际讲解了企业中的管理、组织与技术应用,同时在每章中都附有图示来说明各个企业对管理、组织与技术应用的不同解决方案,使学生能够根据实际问题来学习理论知识,做到理论与实践相结合。《管理信息系统:网络化企业的组织与技术(第6版影印版)》适合于本科高年级学生及MBA课程教学使用。内容:1. 信息系统革命:商业与管理的转换 2. 信息系统的战略作用 3. 信息系统、组织与商业过程 4. 信息、管理与决策的组织 5. 信息系统的道德与社会影响 6. 计算机与信息处理 7. 信息系统软件 8. 管理数据资源 9. 电信与网络 10. 因特网:电子贸易与电子商务 11. 信息系统对组织的重新设计 12. 系统构建的方法13. 系统的成败:实现14. 管理知识 15. 管理决策的增强 16. 信息系统安全与控制 17. 全球化信息系统的管理 18. 管理基础与企业系统。


  Kenneth C. Laudon is a Professor of Information Systems at New York Universitys Stern School of Business. He holds a B.A. in Economics from Stanford and a Ph.D. from Columbia University. He has authored eleven books dealing with information systems, organizations, and society. Professor Laudon has also written over forty articles concerned with the social, organizational, and management impacts of information systems, privacy, ethics, and multimedia technology.
  Professor Laudons current research is on the planning and management of large-scale information systems and multimedia information technology. He has received grants from the National Science Foundation to study the evolution of national information systems at the Social Security Administration, the IRS, and the FBI. A part of this research is concerned with computer-related organizational and occupational changes in large organizations, changes in management ideology, changes in public, and understanding productivity changes in knowledge sector.
  Ken Laudon has testified as an expert before the United States Congress. He has been a researcher and consultant to the Office of Technology Assessment (United States Congress) and to the Office of the President, server executive branch agencies, and Congressional Committees. Professor Laudon also acts as an in-house educator for several consulting firms and as a consultant on systems planning and strategy to several Fortune 500 firms. Ken works with the Concours Group to Provide advice to firms developing enterprise systems.
  Ken Laudons hobby is sailing.
  Jane Price Laudon is a management consultant in the information systems area and the author of seven books. Her special interests include systems analysis, data management, MIS auditing, software evaluation, and teaching business professionals how to design and use information systems.
  Jane received her Ph.D. from Columbia University, her M.A. from Harvard University, and her B.A. from Barnard College. She has taught at Columbia University and the New York University Graduate School of Business. She maintains a lifelong interest in Oriental languages and civilizations.
  Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology in the Networked Enterprise reflects a deep understanding of MIS research and teaching as well as Practical experience designing and building real world systems.


  PART ONE ORGANIZATIONAL FOUNDATIONS OF INFORMATION SYSTEMSChapter1.The information systems revolution:transforming business and managementChapter2.the strategic role of information systemsChapter3.information systems,organizations,and business processesChapter4.information,management,and decision makingChapter5.ehtical and social impact of information systemsPART TWO TECHNICAL FOUNDATIONS OF INFORMATION SYSTEMSChapter6.computers and information processingChapter7.information systems softwareChapter8.managing data resourcesChapter9.telecommunications and networksChapter10.the internet:electronic commerce and electronic businessPART THREE BULLDING INFORMATIPON SYSTEMS:CONTEMPORARY ARREOACHESChapter11.Redesigning the organization with information systemsChapter12.approaches to sytstems-buildingChapter13.system success and failure:implementationPART FOUR MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT SYSTEMSChapter14.managing knowledgeChapter15.enhancing management decision makingPART FIVE MANAGING GONTEMPORARY INFORMATION SYSTEMSChapter16.information systems security and controlChapter17.managing international information systemsChapter18.managing firm infrastructure and enterprise systemsINTERNATIONAL GASE STRDIES ICS1APPENDLX A:BUSINESS PROCESS PEDESIGN PROJECT A1REFERENCES R1NAME INDES NI1ORGANIXATIONS INDES OI1INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS INDEX IOI1SUBJECT INDEX SI1


  There are two answers in the literature to these questions. One answer involves the concept of synergies: When outputs of some units can be used as inputs to other units, or two organizations can pool tnarkets and expertise, these relationships can lower costs and generate profits. Recent bank and financial firm mergers, such as the merger of Chemical Bank and Chase Manhattan Cowp, Wells Fargo and Norwest Corp., Deutsche Bank and Bankers Trust, and Morgan Stanley and Dean WiRer Reynolds occurred precisely for this purpose.
  How can IT be used strategically here? One use of information technology in these synergy situations is to tie together the operations of disparate business units so that they can act as a whole. Such systems would lower retailing costs, increase customer access to new financial products, and speed up the process of marketing new instruments. The Part 5 Case Study provides more detail on this topic.
  Enhancing Core Competencies
  A second concept for firm,level strategy involves the notion of "core competency." The argument is that the performance of all business units can increase insofar as these business units develop, or create, a central core of competencies, A core competency is an activity at which a firm is a world-class leader. Core competencies may involve being the worlds best fiber-optic manufacturer, the best miniature parts designer, the best package delivery service, or the best thin film manufacturer. In general, a core competency relies on knowledge that is gained over many years of experience (embedded knowledge) and a first-class research organization or just key people who follow the literature and stay abreast of new external knowledge (tacit knowledge).


  Management Information Systems
  Organization and Technology in the Networked Enterprise, Sixth Edition Features
  An enhanced web site for managcmcnt problem solving and interactive learning.
  An on-line Interactive Study Guide to help students review and test their mastey of chaptcr materal through multiplc-choicc, true-false, and essay questions.
  Electronic Commerce tours of real companies, projects, and a Rill case to help students explore the.various Internet business models and electronic commerce capabilities discussed in the text. International links to Web sites all over the world, Ntis additional exercises for users interested in more international material.
  New-Tools for Interactive Learning section concludes each chapter, showing students how they can extend their knowledge of chapter material with projects and exercises on the kaudon Web site and the OPTIONAL CD-ROM multimedia edition.
  NEW-Devotes an entire chapter(ch. 18) to Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP), the implementation ofan enterprisewide information systems infrastructure and computer-based industrial networks.
  Focuses on Electronic Commerce, Electronic Business. and the lnternet by introducing these concepts in the first chapter and then integrating them throughout the text and the entire learning package. Features a full chapter(oh. 10/on the underlying technology, capabilities, and benefits of the Internet, with expanded treatment of electronic commerce. Interact business models, and the use of intranets for the internal management of the firm.
  Explores all of todays leading-edge topics, including electronic commerce, electronic business, intranets and extranets. Intcrnet business models, firewalls and lnternet security, lnternet-based group collaboration, supply chain management. network computers, enterprise resource planning, Web-based DSS, middleware. XML. kinus and open-source software. business processes, and data warehouses.
  Supports the authorsmanagements, organization, and technology framework through chapter-opening diagrams, in-chap-ter boxes, and the Management Wrap-Up feature.
  Features New and updated real-world exainples through chapter-opening vignettes, three types of Window On... boxes,including Window on Organizations, Window on Management, and Window on Technology, and end-of-chapter and end-of-part case studies.
  Offers an OPTIONAL CD-ROM with figures, graphs, photos, audio, video, interactive exercises, and bullet-text summaries. Provides the strongest international coverage in the market! Offers a complete global perspective with text discussions,examples, and international cases by world-renowned authorities in MIS.
  Prescnls an earlier introduction to ethics, intergrating its coverage throughout to increase awareness of the social impact ot information systems.